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Kathy Tiner, Ph.D. - Fielding Graduate University. Santa Barbara, CA, UNITED STATES

Kathy Tiner, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty Emerit - School of Leadership Studies | Fielding Graduate University

Santa Barbara, CA, UNITED STATES

Seasoned educator with over a decade of experience





Kathy Tiner, Ph.D. Photo





Kathy Tiner, PhD, is the Program Director for the School of Leadership Studies at Fielding Graduate University. Experienced in classroom teaching, administration, and research, Kathy has implemented learning community processes and action research in classrooms, K-12 schools, higher education, and organizations.

Industry Expertise (4)

Program Development


Training and Development


Areas of Expertise (6)

Inclusive Learning Environments

Curriculum Development

Participatory Action Research

Academic and Shared Governance in Higher Ed

Special Education

Collaborative and Team Teaching

Accomplishments (5)

Distinguished Service Award (professional)

(1996) Awarded by the Association for Developmental Disabilities

Outstanding Educator (professional)

(1994) Awarded by The Parent Advisory Board

Certificate of Excellence (professional)

(1989) Awarded by School District No. 60, Pueblo, CO.

Teacher of the Year (professional)

(1989) Awarded by the Pueblo Association for Developmental Disabilities

Teacher Recognition Award (professional)

(1985) Awarded by the American Association of Mental Deficiency

Education (3)

Fielding Graduate University: PhD, Human and Organizational Systems 1994

Adams State University: MS, Elementary Education

Moorhead State University: BS, Elementary and Special Education

Affiliations (5)

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • Association for Developmental Disabilities
  • American Educational Research Association
  • American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Council for Exceptional Children

Media Appearances (1)

Faculty member visits schools in Cuba

Fielding University News  online


Kathy Tiner, PhD, a faculty member in Fielding’s School of Educational Leadership & Change, recently traveled to Cuba for a ten-day educational exploration. In collaboration with the Cuban Association of Educators, seventeen U.S. educators joined the Busquedas Investigativas (Investigating the Practice of Education) and visited Cuban universities, institutes of pedagogy, and K-12 schools...

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Event Appearances (1)

Integrating Native American Culture into Graduate Program Curriculum

NIEA Workshop  Washington, DC.


Articles (3)

Towards a Pedagogy of Tenderness: Reflections on Cuban Education

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

(August, 2011) This reflective essay shares the experiences of US educators through a research trip to explore educational practices in Cuba. The authors observed four components of the Cuban educational system and reflect through example and research the progression of ...

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Book Review of Reforming American Education from the Bottom to the Top

Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk

(2000) Reforming American Education from the Bottom to the Top is part of a trilogy of books on educational reform edited by Evans Clinchy. Clinchy has selected a group of advocates of the progressive approach of school reform to share their experiences and scholarly ...

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Becoming and unbecoming white: Owning and disowning a racial identity

The Journal of Negro Education

(1999) Analyzing Whiteness opens a theoretical space for teachers and students to articulate how their own racial identities have been shaped within the broader racist culture and what responsibilities they might assume for living in a present in which Whites are accorded ...

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