
Robert Leonard

Robert Leonard

Professor of Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics

Professor of Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics

Woodstock music festivalForensic LinguisticsLanguage and the LawLinguistics and Threat Assessment1960s rock n roll
Lawrence Levy

Lawrence Levy

Associate Vice President and Executive Dean of the National Center for Surburban

Dean Levy works close with Hofstra’s academic community to shape an innovative agenda for suburban study

Suburban Spaces and DevelopmentSuburbsEducationTaxationPolitics of the Suburbs
Theo Liebmann

Theo Liebmann

Clinical Professor of Law

Professor Liebmann has directed the interdisciplinary Hofstra Youth Advocacy Clinic since its inception

Trial AdvocacyChild WelfareYouth AdvocacyImmigrationJuvenile Delinquency
Mark Lukasiewicz

Mark Lukasiewicz

Dean, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication

Dean Lukasiewicz is a veteran producer, journalist, and media executive. Before joining Hofstra, he was SVP of specials at NBC News.

news platformsnews industryBroadcast NewsDigital MediaMedia Ethics
Jeffrey Morosoff

Jeffrey Morosoff

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations, Chair

Public RelationsCrisis CommunicationReputation ManagementCommunity & Government RelationsPublic relations campaigns
Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo

Vice Dean, Professor of Radio, Television, Film, LHSC

Prof. Murillo has special interest in community-based radio journalism, Latin American studies, citizen's media, and civic engagement.

Radio journalism Human Rights and PolicyLatin American Media and PoliticsU.S./Latin American PolicyLatino Culture and History
Rebecca Natow

Rebecca Natow

Assistant Professor of Specialized Programs in Education

Dr. Natow teaches higher educational leadership and policy in the Department of Specialized Programs

Program EvaluationQualitative Research MethodsHigher EducationEducational PolicyStudent Affairs
Rosanna Perotti

Rosanna Perotti

Professor of Political Science

Professor Perotti's expertise is in American politics, including Congress, elections and political parties.

American PoliticsCongressMedia and PoliticsAmerican Political PartiesAmerican Elections
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt

Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt

Professor of Computer Science

Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt specializes in data mining, machine learning, and computational learning theory.

AlgorithmsData StructuresDiscrete MathematicsOperating SystemsProgramming
Sina Rabbany

Sina Rabbany

Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Professor of Engineering

Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, The Jean Nerken Distinguished Professor in Engineering and Professor of Engineering

Cellular and Tissue EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringBioengineeringBiomechanicsStem Cell Biology