Gene Hoyt, M.S.
Expert in mobile applications and information systems
Gene Hoyt has managed organizational technology domestically and internationally.
Diane Kratt, Ed.D.
Expert in expanded school mental health
Diane Kratt works to support student well-being and create inclusive classroom environments.
Joseph T. Liu, Ph.D.
Expert in human resources, management and organizational behavior
Joseph Liu studies the people-related issues in modern industry.
Lyn Millner, M.F.A.
Expert in news literacy, journalism, writing and cults
Lyn Millner is an author whose specialties include Florida history and narrative journalism.
Thomas Missimer, Ph.D., P.G.
Expert in hydrogeology and water quality
Thomas Missimer conducts research into groundwater, sedimentary geology, water resources management, and geochemistry.
Clay Motley, Ph.D.
Expert in higher education, digital learning and music history
Clay Motley is dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.
Joanne Muller, Ph.D.
Expert in hurricanes and climate change
Joanne Muller is an expert in the impact of climate change in tropical and sub-tropical areas.
Molly Nation, Ph.D.
Expert in environmental education
Molly Nation explores environmental issues within formal education settings.
Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.
Expert in coastal water health
Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.