Jennifer Kaiser
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Jennifer Kaiser examines the formation of air pollutants, with a focus on the emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds.
Development of Air Quality Monitoring Strategies Interactions of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants Global Chemistry-Transport Modeling
April Kloxin
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Kloxin's research group seeks to design responsive materials for tissue regeneration.
Stimuli-Responsive Materials Biomaterials 3D Cell Culture Tissue Engineering Drug Delivery
Sylvain Gauthier
Leader project office creative content · Cirque Du Soleil
Leader project office Creative Content Cirque Du Soleil
Project Management Creative Content Projects Managing Creative Content Software Project Management Project Implementation
Elaine Hyshka
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health · University of Alberta
Professor Hyshka is a health services and policy researcher focused on reducing the health, social, and economic costs of substance misuse.
Harm Reduction Opioids Cannabis Drug Policy Substance misuse
Linda Bartoshuk
Professor Emerita · University of Florida
Linda Bartoshuk studies sensory perception of foods, including taste, olfaction and irritation/pain.
Food Science & Human Nutrition Sensory Perception of Food
Lisa Scarton
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Lisa Scarton focuses her research on reducing health disparities among American Indian populations, especially Type 2 diabetes.
Health Disparities Type 2 Diabetes
Benjamin Jacobs
Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Benjamin Jacobs's expertise is in limb salvage surgery. He treats leg wounds due to arterial or venous disease to prevent amputation.
Amputation Atherectomy Deep Vein Arterialization Peripheral Vascular Disease Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
Janice Beecher
Director of the Institute of Public Utilities · Michigan State University
Expert in economic regulation and pricing of public utilities.
Academic journal management and research editing Environmental and resource policy and regulation Water industry structure, privatization, and pricing Theory and practice of public utility regulation Regulatory institutions, governance, policy, and ethics
M. Ehsan Hoque
Asaro Biggar Family Fellow in Data Science, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, and Interim Director, Goergen Institute for Data Science · University of Rochester
M. Ehsan Hoque is designing and implementing new algorithms to sense subtle human nonverbal behavior
Data Science Human Nonverbal Behavior Interactive Machine Learning Human-Computer Interaction Computer Vision
Nancy Jordan
Dean Family Endowed Chair of Education and Professor · University of Delaware
Prof. Jordan's research focuses on how children learn math and why so many struggle.
Child Development Mathematics Learning Difficulties Math Disabilities Number Sense Interventions
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Director of Program in Public Health and Founding Dean of proposed School of Population Health · UC Irvine
Bernadette Boden-Albala, Dr.P.H., is a renowned researcher & administrator who researches community-based stroke & heart disease prevention.
Stroke and heart disease prevention Public Health Infectious Diseases COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Diana Wilkie
Professor · University of Florida
Diana Wilkie has devoted her research program to cancer pain and sickle cell disease management, palliative care and end-of-life issues.
Cancer Pain Palliative Care End-of-Life Issues
Bruno Basso
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Bruno Basso's research deals mainly with water, carbon, nitrogen cycling & modeling in agro-ecosystems.
Sustainabile Intensification Nitrogren Water Carbon Agro-Ecosystems
Dr Phil Porter
Reader in Geoscience and Geoscience Education · University Alliance
Phil studies the response of glaciers to a warming world. He’s led expeditions to some of the last true wilderness areas on our planet.
Meltwater Global Warming Geoscience Glaciers Ice Sheets
David C. Hess, MD
Interim Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation and Dean of the Medical College of Georgia · Augusta University
Dr. David C. Hess, a stroke specialist, educator, and entrepreneur, is dean of the Medical College of Georgia.
Stroke Neuroscience Telemedicine Neurology Stem Cell Research
Dr. Christine Bojanowski
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine; Associate Director, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program · Tulane University
Dr. Christine Bojanjowski is an expert on pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine.
Adult Cystic Fibrosis Critical Care Medicine Vaping Pulmonary Diseases COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Jennifer Painter, DNP, CNS
Associate Chief Learning Officer & Vice President Nursing Professional Development · ChristianaCare
Jennifer Painter is an expert at nursing professional development, nursing education and oncology nursing.
Nursing Education Workforce Nursing Professional Development Organizational Infrastructure
Brendan Cantwell
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Brendan Cantwell's research interests include the study of higher education organization, governance, & finance in the US & internationally.
Educational Administration Higher Education Comparative Education
Barbara Mennel
Professor/Chair/Director · University of Florida
Barbara Mennel’s research interests are transnational cinematic practices and the intersection of urban studies and film studies.
Urban Studies and Film Feminist Theory Humanities Film Studies German Studies
Lyndsay Green
Sociologist · Independent
Lyndsay Green is a sociologist and researcher who has spent her career helping people use communications technologies for learning
Sociology Communication Retirement Education Aging and Elderly Parenting and Technology