Vittal Anantatmula
Vittal Anantatmula’s current research is focused on project management teams, integrating knowledge management and project management.
Tom Ashcraft
Distinguished Professor of Visual Art
For more than 30 years, Tom Ashcraft has navigated his inquiry based practice, combining object making and community engagement.
Patrick Baron
Assistant Professor
Patrick Baron's work focuses on social and environmental determinants of health and disparity.
Andrew J. Bobilya
Professor, Program Director of Experiential and Outdoor Education
Andrew Bobilya's background includes serving as a field instructor and program manager for various summer outdoor adventure programs.
Kathleen M. Brennan
Associate Professor
Kathleen M. Brennan's research interests include mental health, medical sociology and social psychology.
Patricia Bricker
Professor, Jay M. Robinson Distinguished Professor in Educational Technologies
Patricia Bricker's primary areas of expertise are science education and teacher professional development.
Lisa Briggs
Professor, Director of Emergency and Disaster Management
Lisa Briggs specializes in forensic based criminology with a focus on missing persons, as well as the use of scent detection K9s.
Kelli R. Brown
Kelli R. Brown is the chancellor of Western Carolina University, serving more than 11,000 students with a wide range of bachelor’s degrees.
Mike Byers
Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance
Brian Byrd
Brian Byrd's research focuses on domestic mosquito‐borne diseases, specifically La Crosse encephalitis.