Angélica S. Gutiérrez, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration

  • Los Angeles CA UNITED STATES




You can contact Angélica S. Gutiérrez at

Angélica S. Gutiérrez, Ph.D. earned her B.A. in Political Science and Sociology with honors at UCLA, M.P.P at the University of Michigan, Ph.D. at UCLA Anderson School of Management, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Recognized as one of the “World’s Best 40 Under 40 Business Professors,” Dr. Gutiérrez teaches Leadership, Negotiations, and Diversity Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels at LMU. Additionally, she is a contributor to Forbes and has previously written for Inc. Magazine. Her articles focus on topics such as diversity, minority-owned businesses, negotiation strategies, and impostor syndrome.

Dr. Gutiérrez has presented her research on diversity and the impostor syndrome at national and regional academic conferences, and for organizations in the non-profit, public, and private sectors, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, SoCal Gas, Kraft-Heinz, Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, The Wonderful Company, Hasbro, Mattel, Abbott, Google, Fullscreen Studios, and universities across the nation.

Consistent with her commitment to reducing gender and racial pay disparities, Dr. Gutiérrez also teaches employment negotiations to organizations that serve minoritized groups, including National Latina Women Business Association, Riordan Programs, Adelante Mujer Latina, UCLA Black Business Student Association, Latino Alumni Association, Asian American Pacific Islander Association, Women In Tech, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, and Harvard Medical School – Cambridge Health Alliance.






University of Michigan at Ann Arbor


Public Policy




Political Science and Sociology



Areas of Expertise

Diversity & Inclusion
Workplace Recruitment
Retention Policies
Impostor Syndrome
Women and Ethnic Minority Representation in Leadership


World’s Best 40 Business Professors Under 40


Awarded by Poets & Quants

Latina of Influence


Awarded by Hispanic Lifestyle for her accomplishments and community service.

Next Generation Latinas


Next Generation Latinas is awarded by Latina Magazine, an award that honors Latinas who have made a significant impact in their respective communities as role models, mentors and leaders, and exhibit a strong commitment to the empowerment of other Latinas.


  • Spanish

Media Appearances

Can college scandal make Latino students rethink 'impostor syndrome' guilt?

NBC News  online


Angélica Gutiérrez shares expert insights on the imposter syndrome.

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5 Steps to Conquer Impostor Syndrome

Quartz at Work  online


Angélica Gutiérrez was featured in this article on how to transform feelings of inadequacy to realize your full potential.

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's Not the Fairest of Them All?

Diversity Professional  online


Angélica Gutiérrez wrote an article for Diversity Professional magazine on the imposter syndrome.

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Event Appearances

Flipping Cultural Scripts to Counter Impostor Syndrome and Negotiate Effectively

Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce  Virtual



It’s Not Impostor Syndrome but the ‘Impostorization’ of Employees That Leads to Job Dissatisfaction and Turnover

DiversityInc Best Practices


As professionals, we may view others as highly intelligent, talented and successful, but how do we view ourselves? “Impostors” is probably not the answer most of us would provide, at least not publicly. In reality, some of us will view ourselves as frauds, fearing that it is only a matter of time before someone discovers that we really do not belong in the spaces or positions we occupy. Collectively, these feelings and fears are referred to as impostor syndrome. While the term “syndrome” suggests it may be a health condition, and early research indicated that it was a personality trait, studies have demonstrated that impostor syndrome has various origins, including our childhood experiences and the unrealistic competence standards that we establish for others and ourselves.

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Too many Asian-American students in universities? The effect of social dominance motives on support for admissions limits (in press)

Journal of Social Psychology

This paper tests the hypothesis that support for limits on the admission of Asian students into universities is motivated by people’s social motivation – namely the desire to maintain the status hierarchy. Study 1 found that, among participants who evaluated a proposed limit to the number of Asian applicants admitted to universities, social dominance orientation (SDO) was positively related to policy support. Conversely, among participants who evaluated a proposed limit on White admits, SDO was negatively related to policy support. Study 2 found that the perceived threat of the group getting admitted at high rates explained differential support of policies that seek to limit group-specific admissions. In all, these findings suggest that attitudes toward changes in campus demographics may be rooted in a desire to maintain the status hierarchy.

Social dominance orientation moderates reactions to Black and White discrimination claimants

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology


We suggest that because racial discrimination claims made by Blacks potentially challenge the legitimacy of racial inequality, whereas racial discrimination claims made by Whites potentially reinforce the legitimacy of racial inequality, social dominance orientation (SDO) may differentially predict reactions to Black and White discrimination claimants.

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