James Konow

Professor of Economics

  • Los Angeles CA UNITED STATES

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts



James Konow is Professor of Economics at Loyola Marymount University. He has held guest positions at Kiel University, Osaka University, the University of Gothenburg and the University of Oslo and has served as Editor of Economics and Philosophy and Associate Editor of Social Justice Research. His work on economics and ethics, behavioral economics, experimental economics and happiness has appeared in numerous journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Literature, the Journal of Public Economics, Social Choice and Welfare and the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.


University of California, Los Angeles




University of California, San Diego




Arizona State University




Summa Cum Laude

Areas of Expertise

Economics and Ethics
Behavioural Economics
Experimental Economics
Public Economics
Economics of happiness

Industry Expertise



Top 10% lists of all authors according to 23 criteria


Top lists on Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) including top 5% of all authors:

Number of Citations, Weighted by Number of Authors, and Number of Authors, Discounted by Citation Age
Number of Citations, Weighted by Number of Authors and Simple Impact Factors, Discounted by Citation Age
Number of Citations, Weighted by Number of Authors and Recursive Impact Factors, Discounted by Citation Age
Number of Journal Pages, Weighted by Number of Authors and Simple Impact Factors
Number of Journal Pages, Weighted by Number of Authors and Recursive Impact Factors

>4500 Google Scholar citations


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  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon
  • Alpha Mu Gamma
  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • Steering Committee, Gustav Radbruch Network for Philosophy and Environmental Ethics
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  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
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Event Appearances

Keynote Address: “If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Ethical? Experimental Economics and Ethics”

North American Meetings of the Economic Science Association  Los Angeles, CA (October 2019)


Kassel University  Kassel, Germany (May 2019)


Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Good  Bonn, Germany (May 2018)

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Research Grants

Leibniz Association

Kiel Centre for Globalization


Norms, green agents and environmental policy

Norwegian Research Council, Project #183593/S30

with, Karine Nyborg, Kjell-Arne Brekke, Rolf Golombek, 2008-2011

Please see CV for a complete listing of Research Grants




Economics and Ethics

ECON 4120


Equity versus Equality: Spectators, Stakeholders and Groups

Journal of Economic Psychology

Konow, James, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, and Akai, Kenju

2020. vol. (March), Article 102171 (pp. 1-14) [lead article] [>70 Google Scholar cites including prior “Morals and Mores” versions]

Can Ethics Instruction Make Economics Students More Pro-social?

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

vol. 166 (October), pp. 724-734

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Framing in a Threshold Public Goods Experiment with Heterogeneous Endowment

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 138 (June),

Brekke, Kjell Arne, Konow, James, and Nyborg Karine (2017)

pp. 190-203

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