ENGR 1000 Engineering Success Skills
An introductory course providing the opportunity for new engineering students to develop and improve their problem-solving ability, computer literacy, and study skills to maximize their chances for success in college and prepare them for subsequent engineering courses and ultimately the engineering profession. Topics include: making the transition to college; time management; exploration of the engineering disciplines; learning styles; using spreadsheets, word processing and presentation software for engineering projects; engineering ethics; and introduction to engineering methods. Eight-week course that meets two hours per week.
ENGR 1010 Engineering in 21st Century
Civilization in the 21st century has been enabled and shaped by science, engineering and technology. The foundations and social contributions of infrastructure, industry and manufacturing are investigated from the perspective of science, engineering and technology, and demonstrated through hands on applications.
ENGR 2000 Statics and Strength of Materials for Construction Management
Course includes topics such as: forces, moments, couples, and resultants; static equilibrium and statically equivalent force systems, center of gravity and center of pressure; free body method of analysis; friction; internal forces in members, concept of stress and strain; Hooke’s law, application to problems in tension/compression, shear, torsion, and bending.
ENGR 2010 Statics
Statics of particles and rigid bodies, free body diagrams, forces and moments of forces, equilibrium of rigid bodies, distributed forces, centroids, and moments of inertia.
ENGR 2030 Dynamics
Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies in plane motion. Work-energy and impulse- momentum principles.
ENGR 3030 Technical Project Management
An introduction to technical project management. The course prepares students with basic project-management skills applicable to any sized project. Topics to be covered include teamwork, the engineering design process, planning, engineering economics, systems engineering methods and tools, risk management and mitigation, testing, configuration control and documentation, and technical presentations and documentation. The course focuses on applying the concepts and methods of effective project management in a team environment to prepare students for the senior capstone sequence.
ENGR 3050/55 Fluid Mechanics
Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics. Properties of fluids. Fluid statics. Control volume and transport theorem. Continuity and motion equations. Inviscid and viscous flows. Laminar and turbulent flows. Incompressible and compressible flows. Internal and external flows. Bernoulli’s equation. Lab emphasizes analyses and reporting of results.
ENGR 4300 Vibrations
Vibration of single and multiple degree of freedom and discrete mass systems. Natural frequencies and mode shapes for free, damped, and undamped systems. Forced vibrations; forcing functions; steady state and transient response. Application of matrix methods and numerical solutions. Analogies between unsteady behavior of mechanical, electrical and fluid systems. Introduction to vibration measurements and instrumentation. Applications; avoidance of vibration problems at the design stage of a new system.
ME 4055 Capstone Design
Application of engineering design principles to a team-based capstone project in the student’s specialty area. Emphasis on creative and critical thinking, planning, design, execution and statistical evaluation of experiments, as well as teamwork, project management, and communication. Students will use engineering, systems engineering and project-management principles and concepts learned to-date to execute the project, complete a design report, and present results. Should be taken in the last semester before graduation.
ME 4400 Introduction to Aeronautics
Introduction to various topics in aeronautical engineering, including the atmosphere and flight regimes, aerodynamics, propulsion, stability and control, and aircraft performance.
ME 4420 Aerodynamics
Introduction to aerodynamics, including conservation equations and fundamental principles, inviscid incompressible flow, airfoil and finite wing theories, introduction to compressible flows and viscous flows.
ME 4440 Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion
Introduction to aerospace propulsion, including review of relevant fluids and thermodynamics, engine performance, and vehicle integration overview. Examination of specific propulsion systems including propellers, turbojets/turbofans, rockets, and ramjets/scramjets.