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Ajit Singh Mann - Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA, US

Ajit Singh Mann

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychological Science | Loyola Marymount University



Professor Ajit Singh Mann earned his PhD in Positive Developmental Psychology from Claremont Graduate University in 2024. He joins the Department of Psychological Science at Loyola Marymount University as a Visiting Assistant Professor. His research focuses on pro-environmental behavior in older adulthood, accounting for the role of selftranscendent values and experiences in later life. In addition, his research interests include prosociality among older adults, flow experiences, and the implications of control beliefs for aging well. Complementing cross-sectional research, Professor Mann is trained in intensive longitudinal research methods including the Experience Sampling Method and daily diary methodology. He has previously taught a course on aging as an Adjunct Professor at California State University Los Angeles and served as an instructor for a course on happiness at University of California Los Angeles Extension. Professor Mann has co-authored a chapter in the upcoming American Psychological Association book titled More Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology, and his research has been published in positive and developmental psychology journals including the Journal of Positive Psychology, Research on Aging, and Psychology and Aging.