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Alfred Poor - Alfred Poor, Speaker and Writer. Perkasie, PA, US

Alfred Poor

America's Success Mentor for Young Employees | Alfred Poor, Speaker and Writer


Career Skills Success Expert for College and Corporate Audiences





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Alfred Poor is a speaker and writer with an international reputation. Author or co-auther of more than a dozen books, he has a program for college and corporate audiences that is designed to help deal with the "next-gen" employee problems of entitlement, impatience, and poor work ethic. With an upbeat and energetic approach, he teaches young workers how to be successful and productive employees. He focuses on the "soft skills" that so many young people lack, even with a four-year college degree. He also can help human resource staff, supervising managers, and college administrators understand how these problems developed and how they can deal with them.

Industry Expertise (3)

Employment Services

Training and Development

Human Resources

Areas of Expertise (2)



Accomplishments (1)

Senior Member, Society for Information Display (professional)


This is an honor given to a small handful of members each year, in recognition of their contribution to the Society.

Education (4)

Harvard College: MA, Biology 1973

Note: I cross-registered for courses at the Graduate School of Education while an undergraduate.

Union Graduate School: PhD, School/Community Relations 1982

My doctoral thesis focused on how social networks can be used to help make resources available to individuals and organizations within a community. My studies included organizational dynamics and organizational psychology. I find it a little ironic that technology has now made the concept of social networks part of our daily vocabulary, 30 years later.

Harvard College: BA, Biology 1973

Cross-registered for courses at Harvard Graduate School of Education as an undergraduate

Union Graduate School: PhD, School/Community Relations 1982

Affiliations (2)

  • National Association of Colleges and Employers
  • Society for Human Resource Management

Testimonials (5)

Dr. Gerard P. O'Sullivan, Vice President for Academic Affairs | Neumann University

Dr. Poor's two public presentations were excellent and very well-received. Dr. Poor spoke to student career readiness, and from a number of different perspectives. His delivery was flawless and he peppered his speeches with pithy, insightful stories which captured and held the attention of his listeners. What is especially interesting about the content of Dr. Poor's presentations (also reflected in his well-written book) is that he stresses the importance of the "hidden curriculum" in preparing students for their future lives. Dr. Poor is a pleasure to work with. He is organized, detail-oriented and a consummate professional, in every way.

Don Philabaum, President/CEO | TalentMarks

College students don't have to make the same mistakes that other first time job seekers make. Alfred Poor knows from a hiring manager’s perspective and career author's viewpoint the proven steps students and grads need to take to get internships, interviews and most importantly, a job!

Joel Pollack, Director | Bay Area Chapter of the Society for Information Display

Alfred Poor was just what we were looking for—an experienced speaker who was very familiar with the key factors that are moving our industry. To our delight 105 people signed up for the webinar and about 90 actually attended. In addition, we drew the largest audience for a local meeting, more than half of which were not SID members, enhancing our ability to recruit new members. He even drew people from the media, likely due his reputation as technology author. To me, the most amazing thing about Alfred was how he handled questions. Invariably Alfred restated the questions from audience members, and phrased better than each of the questioners could have conceived. What a skill!

Darnell Davis, Editor, Evolution Magazine | Lehigh Valley Small Business Boot Camp

As the organizer of the Lehigh Valley Small Business Boot Camp, I faced possible disaster when a key speaker cancelled just a month before the event. I was fortunate to connect with Alfred Poor from the Center for Small Business, and he agreed to fill the keynote speaker position on short notice. At the event, he energized the participants with his dynamic presentation and mastery of his subject. Afterwards, many of the participants sought me out to tell me how much they enjoyed his talk and how they gained information and insight that they could put right to work in their small businesses. I am already planning to include Alfred in some of our future events.

Larry Stevens, Executive Director | Hatfield Chamber of Commerce

Alfred’s presentation on online video was quite interesting and well suited for the small business person. He was easy to listen to and provided great information that you could take with you and implement immediately. Thanks!

Event Appearances (3)

Freshmen Convocation Keynote

Freshmen Orientation  Neumann University


Keynote: Hard Truths about Soft Skills that Our Next Generation Leaders Need

NEACEFE Fall 2012 Conference  Kennebunkport, Maine


Keynote: The Secret Weapon for Small Business Marketing: Online Video

Evolution Magazine Small Business and Technology Boot Camp  Bethlehem, PA


Sample Talks (1)

SURVIVE the Corporate Jungle -- College Audiences

Great resumes and interview skills are not enough. Students need the “soft skills” to land and succeed at their first job. This lively and dynamic presentation is packed with practical information that your students will use in going from campus to cubicle. They will learn: • Three essential skills that gain the support of co-workers • One surprising lesson from fast food that applies in any job • What their primary responsibility really is, no matter what their job description says



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


2500 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee