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Alina Iacob - Georgia Southern University. Statesboro, GA, US

Alina Iacob

Professor | Georgia Southern University


Professor Iacob specializes in homological algebra and commutative algebra

Areas of Expertise (3)

Commutative Algebra



Education (2)

University of Kentucky: Ph.D., Mathematics 2005

University of Bucharest: B.A., Mathematics 1992

Articles (3)

Gorenstein projective and flat complexes over noetherian rings

Mathematische Nachrichten

E Enochs, Sergio Estrada, Alina Iacob

2012 We give sufficient conditions on a class of R‐modules article amssymb empty C in order for the class of complexes of article amssymb empty C‐modules, article amssymb empty dwC, to be covering in the category of complexes of R‐modules. More precisely, we prove that if article amssymb empty C is precovering in R− Mod and if article amssymb empty C is closed under direct limits, direct products, and extensions, then the class article amssymb empty dwC is covering in Ch (R). Our first application concerns the class of Gorenstein flat modules...

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Absolute, Gorenstein, and Tate Torsion Modules

Communications in Algebra

Alina Iacob

2007 We show that there is an Avramov–Martsinkovsky type exact sequence with , Gtor, and Tor. We prove that if R is a Gorenstein ring, then the modules , n ≥ 1 can be computed using either a complete resolution of MR or using a complete resolution of RN. We show that over a Gorenstein ring a left R-module N is Gorenstein flat if and only if...

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Closure under transfinite extensions

Illinois Journal of Mathematics

Edgar E. Enochs, Alina Iacob, and Overtoun M. G. Jenda

2007 The closure under extensions of a class of objects in an abelian category is often an important property of that class. Recently the closure of such classes under transfinite extensions (both direct and inverse) has begun to play an important role in several areas of mathematics, for example, in Quillen's theory of model categories and in the theory of cotorsion pairs. In this paper we prove that several important classes are closed under transfinite extensions...

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