Founder and Project Director of Womb Twin ( since 2007.
Writer of non fiction, on various subjects including addiction to food, the death of a baby during pregnancy or around birth and womb twin survivors ( the sole survivors of a twin or multiple pregnancy.)
Sole proprietor of Wren Publications.
Industry Expertise (3)
Writing and Editing
Health and Wellness
Areas of Expertise (5)
Womb Twin Survivors
Education (4)
University of Oxford: 1968
University of Hertfordshire: Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling, Psychodynamic and person-centred 1999
Oxford University: 3rd class, Geography 1968
University of Leicester: Diploma in Social work 1970
Affiliations (1)
- Society of Authors
Links (4)
Event Appearances (1)
Towards a psychological profile of womb twin survivors
Association of pre and perinatal psychology and health (APPPAH) Annual congress Asilomar, CA. USA
Sample Talks (1)
My twin died before I was born: how can I know and how does that feel?
An illustrated talk about how it feels to be a womb twin survivor ( ie to lose one's twin before or around birth.) This is a very common occurrence that is rarely discussed. It may affect many thousands of people, without them being aware that they once had a twin. The presentation includes details of the physical signs that there had been a twin pregnancy but only one baby was born. Also a psychological profile of the womb twin survivor. Based on an eight-year research project .
- Keynote
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance