Industry Expertise (3)
Information Technology and Services
Social Media
Corporate Leadership
Areas of Expertise (4)
New Technology Identify and Adopt
Start Up Business
Innovation and Commercialization
Social Media
Links (3)
Sample Talks (1)
Doing business at the speed of light
As new technology, online applications, devices and new social connectivity continue to pour into our world - businesses are increasingly pressured to innovate and keep up. Every day seemingly provides a new challenge, opportunity and widget to adopt, leverage or compete against. How does a business cope? How do you sift through it all, choose what is relevant and adapt your business to optimize opportunities and succeed? This presentation will assist your company in identifying where the best ROI in new technology can be identified based on your target market, product type, resources and company culture. Amber always manages to keep this topic fun and easy to understand ensuring participants leave with tools and plans they can implement easily.
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