Amy Chorew is a licensed real estate agent as well as being a highly experienced national technology instructor/speaker. Her knowledge of the industry and the latest technologies available along with her unique ability to translate it all into easy to understand language make her a consistently top-rated trainer throughout the country. She teaches CE, GRI and skill development courses across American and Canada delivered live and through webinars. Amy is president of The Techbyte, delivering technology training and coaching to companies and sales associates. She is also the Learning Director for SMMInstitute – the Social Media Marketing Institute – who rewrote NAR’S EPro® Certification into a two day course. She is a featured contributor to several blogs and online publications.
Industry Expertise (3)
Real Estate Dev/Ops
Social Media
Areas of Expertise (3)
Internet Marketing
Social Media
Affiliations (4)
- Realtor University
- Dynamic Directions
Sample Talks (1)
The Hub and Spokes of your Business
The Internet has increased the expectation among consumers. Internet first impressions are not just influenced by how your website looks, but by how often your business appears in searches and if you have a presence on the more popular real estate sites. Establishing a good reputation, offline/online, is the only way to be truly successful in business. Understanding the way business has shifted can help you market your business in the virtual world.
- Keynote
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance