Angelique Young has been teaching Freshmen Rhetoric and Composition at LMU since 2014. Her career as a collegiate educator began through a Teaching Fellowship in grad school at Loyola Marymount University, where she received... both her M.A. and B.A. in English with emphases in Rhetoric, Composition, and Education. Having been in the LMU community since 2008, Angelique is thrilled to serve her alma mater as a member of the inaugural Composition Instructors Cohort for FYS.
Angelique’s passion for teaching writing extends beyond the classroom to her research interests and philanthropic endeavors. Her ongoing scholarly inquiries focus on writing pedagogies that better educate an increasingly diverse population of college writers, both in-person and online. She has been invited to present at several education-centered academic conferences, sharing her research in Speech-Act Theory applied to forbidden words in student writing, reframing the collegiate writing classroom in a digital era, and leveraging student ethos to cultivate more impactful, productive writing projects.
Further supplementing her exposure to diverse students and pedagogical constraints, Angelique has regularly taught writing workshops at the women’s prison in Corona, California since the summer of 2017. She’s currently writing an article on an educator’s lessons learned from a classroom behind bars.