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Anne Ellis

Assistant Professor and Chair, Division of Allergy | Queen's University

Kingston, ON, CANADA

Assistant Professor at Queen's University and Director of the Envinronmental Exposure Unit



Dr. Ellis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Queen's University with a cross-appointment to the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences. Her role is one of a Clinician Scientist with approximately 75% of her academic portfolio dedicated to research. She is the new Director of the Environmental Exposure Unit, a controlled allergen challenge model of allergic rhinitis, and is an Investigator within the AllerGen Networks of Centres of Excellence. In 2011 she assumed the role of the Chair of the Division of Allergy & Immunology. She is also a regular Attending Physician of Allergy & Immunology at Kingston General Hospital and Hotel Dieu Hospital, as well as in Internal Medicine at Kingston General Hospital and a Consulting Physician at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital.

Her research interests are primarily linked to the treatment and pathophysiology of allergic rhinitis, but she also has established a prospective birth cohort with cord blood collection to determine potential biomarkers of future atopy. Her research activities in Epigenetics provides a unique link between these two areas of interest.

Industry Expertise (2)


Medical/Dental Practice

Areas of Expertise (4)


Clinical Trials


Allergic Rhinitis

Education (3)

Queen's University: MD, Medicine 1999

University of Guelph: BSc, Biomedical Sciences 1995

McMaster University: MSc, Immunology 2008

Affiliations (6)

  • OMA
  • CMA

Sample Talks (1)

Fine Details of Anaphylaxis Management

CME for Family Physicians and Pharmacists in SouthEastern Ontario Objectives were to review diagnosis, management and prevention of anaphylaxis



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist


1500 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee