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Arindrajit Dube - University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst, MA, US

Arindrajit Dube

Provost Professor of Economics | University of Massachusetts Amherst


Arin Dube’s research focuses on labor economics, fiscal policy, minimum wage policies, income inequality and the economics of conflict.

Expertise (8)

Unemployment Benefits

Public Finance

Labor Economics

Fiscal Policy

Minimum Wage Policies

Income Inequality

Labor Unions



Arindrajit Dube is one of the world's leading scholars on the minimum wage and its effect on employment. His research focuses on labor economics, health economics, public finance, and political economy, particularly based around minimum wage policies, fiscal policy, income inequality, health reform and the economics of conflict.

He has been a much sought-after commentator on the effects of mass layoffs that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuing effect of unemployment and benefits on workers and the economy.

Social Media






How Voluntarily Raising the Minimum Wage Affects Retailers Here are the pros and cons of a $15 per hour federal minimum wage Chris Hayes Podcast With Arindrajit Dube | Why Is This Happening? Ep- 153 | MSNBC


Education (3)

University of Chicago,: Ph.D., Economics

Stanford University: M.A., Development Policy Studies

Stanford University: B.A., Economics

Select Recent Media Coverage (10)

Q&A: Arin Dube on the Benefits of Full Employment

The American Prospect  online


Arindrajit Dube is interviewed about the benefits of full employment. “We gave up on full employment in the 1980s. That was really a mistake that gave up a lot for American workers,” Dube says. “It’s great to see that turn around.”

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The forever labor shortage is pitting parents and their childfree coworkers against each other

Business Insider  online


Arindrajit Dube comments in an article about workplace conflicts between employees with children and employees without children who have said they often feel pressured to pick up extra shifts so their coworkers can attend to childcare needs. Using the term “greedy jobs,” which was coined by another economist, Dube says, “If the work process is designed to be less ‘greedy’ it more easily accommodates passing on tasks across workers, and it’s a lot less high stakes an event when someone has to take time off to take care of a family member.”

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The ‘Great Resignation’ Is Over. Can Workers’ Power Endure?

The New York Times  online


“There are good reasons to think that at least a chunk of the changes that we’ve seen in the low-wage labor market will prove lasting,” said Arindrajit Dube, a University of Massachusetts professor who has studied the pandemic economy.

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Covid transformed the U.S. labor market, and it isn’t done yet

NBC News  tv


A study found that wage gains among the lowest-paid workers have substantially slowed the growth of income inequality. Co-author Arindrajit Dube said the scale of low earners’ pay gains was striking — rising 6% from January 2020 to September 2022. “Wage growth at the bottom is really making the labor market more equal. Lower-wage workers have been pulling in more income because they’ve been able to leave, because they’ve been able to find better jobs,” he said.

outdoor restaurant

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Low-Wage Jobs Are Becoming Middle-Class Jobs

The Atlantic  print


We finally had a tight labor market with a well-functioning job ladder, meaning that people were leaving the worst-paying jobs,” Arindrajit Dube, an economist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, told me. States and cities lifting their minimum wages might have helped bolster the trend—indeed, one analysis found that, before the coronavirus hit, wage compression was occurring only in states that were lifting their minimums.

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There's one hopeful sign for the Fed on inflation. Really.

Politico  online


In an article discussing hopeful signs for the Federal Reserve amid rising inflation, Professor Arin Dube says wages now seem to be rising at a reasonable rate that isn’t problematic from an inflation perspective. “But if wage growth slows down a little and inflation stays high, that’s not good for workers,” he says. “Threading the needle is what we’d like to see happen.”

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Social Security pays the same no matter where you live. Unemployment should, too

The Boston Globe  print


"University of Massachusetts Amherst labor economist Arindrajit Dube last month released a plan laying out how to do just that. His policy paper, published by the Hamilton Project of the Brookings Institution, argued that taking control of unemployment insurance from the states is the best way for the federal government to tackle the system’s thorniest problems, including stingy jobless pay, overly strict eligibility rules, and the lack of “triggers” that effectively link benefits to economic conditions."

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When Amazon Raises Its Minimum Wage, Local Companies Follow Suit

The New York Times  print


“In a very simple supply-and-demand, competitive market, firms are just paying the market wage,” said Arindrajit Dube, a University of Massachusetts economist who has studied the minimum wage. In reality, he said, wages “are shaped by market forces but also by norms, pressure as well as policies.”

amazon warehouse

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Here are the pros and cons of a $15 per hour federal minimum wage

CNBC  tv


Arindrajit Dube, economics professor at UMass Amherst and research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, joined "Squawk Box" on Tuesday to discuss the pros and cons of raising the federal minimum wage

Arindrajit Dube on CNBC

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About That Hazard Pay

NPR  radio


In a discussion on “Planet Money,” Arindrajit Dube says the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic present a troubling situation for many low wage essential workers.

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Select Publications (5)



David Autor, Arindrajit Dube and Annie McGrew


"Labor market tightness following the height of the Covid-19 pandemic led to an unexpected compression in the US wage distribution that reflects, in part, an increase in labor market competition ..."

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A Plan to Reform the Unemployment Insurance System in the United States

The Hamilton Project

Arindrajit Dube


Arindrajit Dube's plan proposes remedies for current problems facing the unemployment insurance program in the United States and argues that these remedies are best achieved through converting the unemployment insurance system to a fully federal program.

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Impacts of Minimum Wages: Review of the International Evidence

United Kingdom Government

Arindrajit Dube


The government of the United Kingdom asked Professor Arindrajit Dube to consider international evidence on the impacts of minimum wages and the implications for UK policy.

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Making the Case for a Higher Minimum Wage

Milken Institute Review

Arindrajit Dube


When President Franklin D. Roosevelt first proposed a federal minimum wage in 1937, he declared that America should be able to provide its working men and women “a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.” Congress went along,

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Wage boards can mitigate market failures on inequality

The Hill

Arindrajit Dube


During the past 40 years, the United States has seen a tremendous rise in income inequality. While globalization and technological change likely played a role, labor market institutions have been important contributors to these trends — especially the decline of unions.

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