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Arthur Graziano

Senior Lecturer | Curry College


Expert keynote speaker on Employees of Today. Why managing people is like raising children! And...doing it in a Union environment. Dymanic,

Industry Expertise (3)

Human Resources

Business Services


Areas of Expertise (3)

Navigating in A Union Environment

Children Entering the Workforce

Wellness in the Workplace

Sample Talks (1)

Wellness in the workplace

Have you walked more than the thirty feet from you car to your office in the last year? You may be one of the millions of reasons why health care premiums for employers are skyrocketing? Do you have food at meetings? Do your select what meetings to go to based on what food will be served? Amercian businesses are saddled with healthcare issues that have been self induced. Find out how to reduce your healthcare premiums by 20-40% by invseting in a healthier workforce.