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Arthur Gross-Schaefer,  J.D. - Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA, US

Arthur Gross-Schaefer, J.D.

Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Business Law, College of Business Administration | Loyola Marymount University




Arthur Gross-Schaefer,  J.D. Publication Arthur Gross-Schaefer,  J.D. Publication



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Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer,  Jewish Life



You can contact Arthur Gross-Schaefer at agross@lmu.edu.

Arthur Gross-Schaefer joined the LMU faculty in 1978 and retired in 2024. He served as both chair and co-chair of the Department of Marketing and Business Law. Prior to joining LMU, Gross-Schaefer taught at Western States School of Law, Boston University and USC. Gross-Schaefer is a past president of the Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies, representative to National Conference of the Pacific Southwest Region of Reform Rabbis, and a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. He is also a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, Beta Gamma Sigma, the California State Bar Association, the California Society of Public Accountants and has earned more than a dozen teaching awards and published over 150 articles.

Education (4)

Hebrew Union College: Rabbinic Ordination 1984

Hebrew Union College: M.A. 1982

Boston University: J.D. 1976

USC: B.A., Accounting 1973


Areas of Expertise (8)

Personal Ethics

Clergy Legal Issues

Business Law

Ethics & Values

Business Ethics

Legal Ethics

Medical Ethics

Religious Ethics

Industry Expertise (2)

Business Services

Religious Institutions

Accomplishments (5)

"300 Best Professors" by The Princeton Review (professional)


Gross-Schaefer was featured in The Princeton Review for "300 Best Professors."

Rains Award for Excellence in Service (professional)


The Rains Award for Excellence in Service will recognize a tenured member of the professoriate whose service exemplifies the LMU mission in a manner that is outstanding. Moreover, the Rains Award is designed to highlight the substantial accomplishment of a faculty member whose service is truly extraordinary, and therefore exceeds normal expectations for service.

Doctor of Divinity (professional)


Honoris Causa, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles

Founding Rabbi, LMU Jewish Community (professional)


Now known as LMU Hillel

LMU Fritz B. Burns Distinguished Teaching Award (professional)


Bestowed annually on the LMU faculty member whose dedication to teaching, research and the university exemplifies academic leadership.

Affiliations (4)

  • Alpha Sigma Nu
  • Beta Gamma Sigma
  • The California State Bar Association
  • The California Society of Public Accountants

Media Appearances (3)

The Life And Career Of Arthur Gross-Schaefer, The Rabbi- Attorney

Law Crossing  online


Dr. Gross-Schaefer teaches ethics, spirituality and other classes as co-chair of the Department of Marketing and Business Law at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

Media Appearance Image

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For Business Ethics, Turn to Jewish thought

Jewish Journal  online


For more than 30 years, I’ve taught professional ethics to attorneys and CPAs around the country and business ethics to students at Loyola Marymount University.

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A Father (and Rabbi) on Losing His Son to a Drunk Driver

Psychology Today  online


This blog is not about religion, but of a father of a beloved son, (who has a twin brother) friend, spiritual leader and how with respect and dignity addresses the young man that killed his son. This man truly wears many different hats, but one heart.

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Event Appearances (2)


Management and Business Advisers Conference 2015  Minnesota



The Distinguished Speaker Series: Leaders in Action  Redondo Beach


Articles (6)

Ethics and Compliance: The Game-Changer in the Business World

International Journal of Business and Social Science


Our methodology involves independent research as well as a compilation of information gathered through several interviews with ethics and compliance professionals of major corporations from a wide span of industries such as aerospace, education, real estate, and healthcare. In most cases, these professionals shared their experience with us, during a one-hour conversation, which specifically focused on their current ethics and compliance officers’ training, the types of backgrounds best suited for these positions, and their personal perspective on the ethics and compliance field in the future.

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Creating a birthday ritual that honors the memory of a deceased child

CCAR Journal


An article on how to honor the memory of a loved one who has passed on his/her birthday.

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Sexual Assault: The Crisis that Blindsided Higher Education

International Journal of Social Science Studies


This paper begins by examining the history of university oversight of sexual assault cases and why sexual assault has become such a problem on college and university campuses. Next the paper will examine existing laws that govern how colleges handle sexual assault cases. Subsequently, this article will discuss the loopholes in existing laws that have allowed institutions of higher learning to not only ignore the problem of sexual assault, but also underreport incidents of sexual assault. Current proposed legislation and administrative actions will be explored that attempt to close these loopholes forcing universities to answer for their failure to handle sexual assault cases properly and revamp their existing policies to better protect victims of sexual assault. Finally, the authors provide potential solutions for what is likely the next big crisis in higher education.

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Continuing Professional Ethics Education for CPAs: Goals and Teaching Approaches

Academy of Legal Studies


This paper considers ethics education for CPAs and concludes that there is a need for a broader, principles-based approach to continuing professional ethics (CPE). This conclusion is supported by the recent trend toward principles-based global ethics standards and a review of the current professional standards and CPE requirements for ethics education for CPAs.

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Being Honest about Tenure in the United States: The Need for Tenure System Reform within Institutions of Higher Education

International Journal of Social Studies


This paper examines whether the tenure system at the university level today is in need of reform. To answer this complex and highly charged question, the authors begin by first tracing the history of tenure, from its inception in Europe to its emergence in the United States. Next, the paper examines the significant role played by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) in defining tenure at the collegiate level today. The article then moves into an analysis of the current state of tenure through the review of key aspects of the university tenure process. The authors conclude with observations and suggestions for potential reform of the tenure system.

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To Wait for the Law to Change or not to Wait, That is the Question: A Guide for Same-Gender Couples and Clergy

International Journal of Social Science Studies


The article begins by examining the current state of the laws governing same-sex relationships at both the federal and state level. Specifically, we will examine two cases that have substantially impacted the landscape of rights for same-sex couples. The paper will then examine four areas of the law where uncertainty for same sex couples lies and the legal agreements that can be effectively utilized to reduce this uncertainty. These areas include: 1) medical/end of life decisions; 2) financial welfare of both parties and distribution of assets upon dissolution of the relationship; 3) distribution of the couple’s property in the event of death; and 4) parental rights. The paper will conclude with recommendations for clergy in counseling same-sex couples prior to performing marriage and commitment ceremonies.

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