Miriam Ezenwa is a professor in the Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science. Her research explores health disparities in pain management for people with sickle cell disease, as well as stress reduction interventions for sickle cell disease. Miriam's biobehavioral research also investigates the hormone cortisol as a biomarker of stress and how computer technologies may be used to measure both stress and pain.
Areas of Expertise (3)
Symptom Management
Sickle Cell Disease
Pain Management
Media Appearances (3)
$7.1M NIH Grant Supports Study of Opioid Alternatives to Manage SCD Pain
Sickle Cell Disease News online
The acupuncture regime was determined by Schlaeger, who also is a licensed acupuncturist, while the relaxation techniques were developed by Miriam Ezenwa, PhD, an associate professor at University of Florida College of Nursing, who also is part of the awarded team.
$7.1M grant to review opioid alternatives to treating sickle cell disease pain
EurekAlert! online
For the study, 360 SCD patients will receive acupuncture twice a week for five weeks. Judy Schlaeger, associate professor in the UIC Department of Human Development Nursing Science, who developed an SCD treatment plan, determined that the time frame allows for a successful impact on pain. Also, patients will be asked to use guided relaxation techniques at least once a day. These techniques, which patients access via smartphone or computer, were developed by Miriam Ezenwa, a University of Florida associate professor in biobehavioral nursing science. Both acupuncture and guided medication were proven effective in pilot studies on SCD pain management.
UF nursing researcher receives $2.6 million grant to improve pain associated with sickle cell disease
University of Florida Health online
Miriam O. Ezenwa, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N., FAAN, an associate professor at the College of Nursing, is the principal investigator on the project, which aims to use self-management interventions like guided relaxation therapy to improve the lives of those with the disease.
Articles (4)
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of guided relaxation and acupuncture for chronic sickle cell disease pain (GRACE): A protocol
Contemporary Clinical Trials CommunicationsArdith Z. Doorenbos, et. al
People with sickle cell disease frequently use complementary and integrative therapies to cope with their pain, yet few studies have evaluated their effectiveness. The 3-arm, 3-site pragmatic Hybrid Effectiveness-implementation Trial of Guided Relaxation and Acupuncture for Chronic Sickle Cell Disease Pain (GRACE) has 3 priorities: (1) evaluate guided relaxation and acupuncture to improve pain control; (2) determine the most appropriate and effective treatment sequence for any given patient based on their unique characteristics; and (3) describe the processes and structures required to implement guided relaxation and acupuncture within health care systems.
A Stress and Pain Self-management mHealth App for Adult Outpatients With Sickle Cell Disease: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Study
JMIR Research ProtocolsMiriam O. Ezenwa
This paper describes the research protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a self-management intervention for adults diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SCD). People living with SCD experience lifelong recurrent episodes of acute and chronic pain, which are exacerbated by stress.
Adolescents’ practical knowledge of asthma self-management and experiences in the context of acute asthma: a qualitative content analysis
Journal of AsthmaMiriam Ezenwa, et al.
This paper's objective is to characterize adolescents’ practical knowledge of asthma self-management and experiences during asthma episodes and compare practical knowledge. Most of the adolescents knew how to prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction but had limited understanding about how to assess and monitor the severity of symptoms, appropriately use bronchodilators, seek timely medical help and communicate acute symptoms to caregivers or healthcare providers.
Adherence to Analgesics Among Outpatients Seriously Ill With Cancer
Cancer NursingMiriam Ezenwa, et al.
Adherence to prescribed analgesics for patients seriously ill with cancer pain is essential for comfort. The objective of this study was to determine the analgesic adherence in seriously ill patients with cancer and its association with clinical and demographic characteristics.