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Barbara Mink, Ed.D. - Fielding Graduate University. Austin, TX, UNITED STATES

Barbara Mink, Ed.D.

Program Director, Education Programs | Fielding Graduate University


Expert in managing large scale organization and community change



Barbara Mink, Ed.D. Publication Barbara Mink, Ed.D. Publication Barbara Mink, Ed.D. Publication







Dr. Mink is currently the Program Director of Education Programs . Since 1978, Dr. Mink has been a professor at the Fielding Graduate University. She teaches and supervises doctoral students in the areas of organizational change, management and leadership, and learning and motivation. Dr. Mink was the Dean (1997-2001) of the Human and Organization Program. She also served on the Board of Trustees of the Fielding Graduate University, where she was a member of the Board Executive Committee and was Chair, Board Committee on Diversity and Social Justice. Dr. Mink has also been a lecturer/clinical professor in the Department of Educational Administration at The University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Mink has over thirty-five years of international consulting experience in the areas of leadership development and the design and implementation of organizational change. She has worked with clients in the fields of manufacturing, health care, education, government, communications technology, and banking.

Dr. Mink's honors include being elected to Pi Mu Epsilon (mathematics honorary) and the Board of Directors of the Human Resource Planning Society. She has been listed in Outstanding Educators of America, Who’s Who in American Women, and Who's Who in the South and Southwest. She served on the Board of Trustees of the Texas Association of Community College Trustees and Administrators (TACCTA). She has also been President of TACCTA. She is currently on the Board of Directors of the Arc of the Capital Area. She is a life time member of the Austin Area Urban League and the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education.

Dr. Mink has also won poetry and creative writing awards in Texas writing competitions.

Industry Expertise (6)


Training and Development

Political Organization

Program Development

Professional Training and Coaching


Areas of Expertise (11)

Higher Educational Policy

Adult Learning Design

Team Development and Effectiveness

Managing Large Scale Organization and Community Change

Action Research Consultation and Interventions

Networked Organizations

Community College Leadership, Programs and Governance

Organizational Development and Change

Learning With an Emphasis On Adult Learning

Leadership and Management

Organizational Theories

Accomplishments (4)

Outstanding Academic Service Learning Professor (professional)

(2014) Awarded by the University of Texas to only two university professors.

Leadership Texas (professional)

(2008) Selected to be one of the 100 women from across the state of Texas to study the educational issues and the changing economy of Texas.

Visiting Scholar Plaques (professional)

Conferred by the University of Texas - Austin Community College Leadership Program for each year from 2005 to present.

Board of Trustees (professional)

(2000) Elected for three terms (through public election) to Board of Trustees, Austin Community College District, Austin, Texas -- Terms of office 2000-2006, 2006-2012 and 2012-2018.

Education (1)

Duke University: EdD, Higher Education 1971

Affiliations (9)

  • Global Austin : Member
  • Executive Women in Texas Government : Member
  • Austin Area Urban League : Member
  • Texas Association of Community College Trustees and Administrators : Member
  • ARC of Central Texas : Board Member
  • Lifetime Member Austin Urban League
  • Outstanding Educators of America
  • Who’s Who in American Women
  • Who's Who in the South and Southwest

Research Grants (1)

Two Year Grant

U.S. Department of Education / U.S. Department and Defense 

Awarded to develop and pilot test curriculum modules to train physician assistants and dental assistants.

Articles (2)

Organizational Learning at an Institution in the Business of Learning: A Case Study

OD Practitioner


Educational forms and processes for the virtual workplace

Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGCPR/SIGMIS conference on Computer personnel research

(1996) This is a proposal for a panel to discuss adult learning as it relates to the virtual workplace. The combination of the virtualization of the workplace, the need for ongoing education and the training of professionals and other workers, their continual role and job transitions, the ...

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