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Batya Casper

The Human Face of Conflict


The Human Face of Conflict



Born in England, raised in Israel, lived in S. Africa. Have lived in Boston Mass, New Haven, CT and St. louis, Mo. Currently live in Los Angeles, California and in Caesarea, Israel. Have three children and 4 grandchildren.
Ph.D. in Theater Arts from UCLA. Theater teacher, director and actor.
Israela, Tate Publishing, August 2011
Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth. McFarland &Co. inc. 1995
"Passion Play" Psychological Perspectives, 2003.
Current Interests: Israeli Arab Conflict. My aim is to go beyond the black/white coverage of the media and portray people who live their day-to-day lives under relentless political friction. How do regular folk - like you and me - balance their everyday passions, their loves, loyalties, ambitions for the "good life," hopes and secrets, under the constant threat and the only too frequent reality of war? My aim is to flatten the political playing ground, to show individuals living under the Israel Arab conflict, Arabs and Jews, parents, teachers and lovers, wanting peace.
Other interests: Reading. Writing. Speaking.Walking in the hills with my son's dog.