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Ben Radcliffe - Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA, US

Ben Radcliffe

Senior Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology | Loyola Marymount University


Ben Radcliffe studies Ancient Greek literature, focusing on Homeric studies, critical theory, and aesthetics.


I'm a senior lecturer in LMU's Department of Classics and Archaeology. I write about Greek epic and tragedy, usually in dialogue with contemporary philosophers and critical theorists. I'm currently working on a book project about labor, surplus value, and the political economy of genre in archaic Greek epic.

Education (2)

UCLA: Ph.D., Classics 2019

Stanford: B.A., Classics 2013

Areas of Expertise (1)


Event Appearances (13)

“The Liquid Frame: Labor on the Homeric Littoral"

ACLA  March 2024

“Surplus Violence: Erides and Meta-Epic in Works and Days"

SCS  January 2024

"Stasis: Simulating Civil Conflict in Archaic Greece"

Classics & Archaeology, LMU  October 2023

“Radical Certainty: Paraesthetics and Paranoia in the Odyssey”

ACLA  June 2022

“Recasting Heroes: Labor, Metallurgy, and Critical Aesthetics in the Iliad"

SCS  January 2022

“The Homeric Grimace, or the Conflicted Faces of Narrative”

Affect, Intensity, Antiquity  August 2021

“The Spectral Planets of Derrida and Gene Wolfe”

ACLA  April 2021

“Benjamin’s Niobe: Anger and Ambiguous Violence in Iliad 24"

SCS  January 2021

“Counting and Catastrophe in Aeschylus’ Persae"

UC Berkeley, DAGRS  November 2020

“Ears, Artifice, and Hephaestus’ Automatons in Iliad 18"

CAMWS  May 2020

“Catalogues and Popular Politics in Aeschylus’ Persae"

SCS  January 2020

“Khaos, Broken Plows, and Discontinuity in Hesiod"

CAMWS  2018

“Kata Moiran: Ideology and Style in the Odyssey"

SCS  January 2017

Courses (5)

CLAR 1110 Elementary Greek I

Spring 2021 A basic introduction to Greek grammar and syntax, including noun declension and verb conjugation; translation of simple prose passages.

CLAR 1120 Elementary Greek II

Fall 2020 A continuation of the grammar and syntax of CLAR 1110, with a focus on more complex sentences; translation of more elaborate prose and poetry passages.

CLAR 2220 Ancient Comedy in Performance

Fall 2020, Fall 2022, Fall 2023 A study of the plays of Aristophanes and Menander (in translation), with an emphasis on production.

CLAR 3220 Greek and Roman Religions

2021-2024 This course explores the religions of ancient Greece and Rome from our earliest evidence through the emergence of Christianity under the Roman Empire. While the course follows a broadly chronological outline, individual lectures will concentrate on specific themes, such as polytheism and monotheism, philosophy and religion, magic and personal religion, religion and the state, and the idea of “the foreign” in ancient religion.

CLAR 2260 Ancient Political Thought and Practice

Spring 2023, Spring 2024 A survey of the origins and development of political thought in the ancient world, from the rise of Greek city-states to the breakup of the Roman empire. The course investigates how Greek and Roman authors, such as Homer, Aeschylus, Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero, and Augustine, developed and contested fundamental political concepts, including justice, equality, authority, power, and conflict. The course also confronts the adverse legacies of ancient political systems, which excluded the vast majority of the population—slaves, women, and non-citizens—from public politics.

Articles (6)

Niobe’s People: Ambiguous Violence and Interrupted Labor in Iliad 24

Niobes: Antiquity, Modernity, Critical Theory

Ben Radcliffe


A chapter in an edited volume on ancient and modern receptions of Niobe.

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Queer Kinship: Profit, Vivisection, Kitsch

Queer Euripides

Ben Radcliffe


A chapter on Euripides' Heraclidae in an edited volume on queer readings of Euripides. Drawing on scholarship that examines the relations between kinship, queerness, and political economy, I trace the ways in which profit (kerdos) serves as a force of social disruption in the world of the drama, variously subverting, transforming, and reinforcing the patriarchal norms that underly procreative kinship.

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(Mis)counting Catastrophe in Aeschylus’ Persae

Classical Antiquity

Ben Radcliffe


This article considers how mourning is configured as a site of political and aesthetic conflict in Aeschylus’ Persae.

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The Politics of Aesthetic Experience in Odysseus’ Apologoi

American Journal of Philology

Ben Radcliffe


An article on a group of minor characters in the Odyssey who subvert Odysseus' central position in the narrative.

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Becoming Domestic in Hesiod’s Works and Days


Ben Radcliffe


An article on Hesiod's Works and Days in the Ramus special issue, "Deterritorializing Classics: Deleuze, Guattari and Antiquity"

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The Aesthetics of Equality in Early Greek Poetry

University of California - Los Angeles

2019 This dissertation asks how Homer, Hesiod, and Theognis envision egalitarian alternatives to the conditions of social stratification that prevail in the fictional worlds of early Greek poetry.

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