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Bernadette Musetti - Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA, US

Bernadette Musetti

Professor of Urban and Environmental Studies | Loyola Marymount University


Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts


I am a Professor here at LMU, where I have the honor and privilege of also serving as Director the Liberal Studies Program (LBST). I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts and the School of Education respectively. I thoroughly enjoy teaching, especially the recently developed course “A Better World: Explorations of Place & Purpose”, as well as the LBST Capstone “Education & Global Issues”, which in 2018 and 2019 included immersion abroad in Costa Rica. I also teach a First Year Seminar entitled “Education & the Public Good”. My areas of interest and expertise include ecological literacy, nature-based learning, content area reading and multiple literacies, professional learning in K-12 schools, the effective and equitable education of English Learners, teacher preparation, teacher supervision, sociocultural variables in education, school reform, college pipeline programs, international education, and grant writing. I have worked closely with schools and districts throughout my career and have taught across the K-12 grade span in the U.S. and Mexico.

I came to LMU from Kennesaw State University (KSU), where I was an Associate Professor and the lead co-director of an $8.9 Million federal Teacher Quality Partnership Grant to redesign teacher preparation around Urban Education, using a model of vertically aligned professional development schools. In Georgia I also served as the founding Co-Director of the Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE) at the University of Georgia (UGA). There I worked with teams of educators statewide to raise student achievement. Each year I invited the nation’s top researchers and practitioners to work with these teams—renowned scholars such as Luis Moll and Eugene Garcia. While at UGA and KSU I also served on numerous MA thesis and doctoral dissertation committees, including as dissertation chair. Across my career I have taught over 40 different courses for academic credit across the undergraduate, Master’s and doctoral levels.

Other professional positions I have held include Department Head of the American Language Program at the University of Georgia, Education Programs Specialist at the California Department of Education, and Interim Director of Contract Language Programs in the Center for International Education at UC Davis. I also taught for five years at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Education (4)

University of California at Davis: Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction/Language and Literacy

Designated Emphasis in Second Language Acquisition

Monterey Institute of International Studies: M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Mills College: B.A., History

Chapman University: California Teaching Credential, Social Science and English as a Second Language authorization

Clear credential


Areas of Expertise (9)

Teacher Preparation

English Language Learners & Specially Designed


Education Reform

Professional Learning for Schools and Districts

University-School Partnerships

Social-Emotional Learning

MS-HS College Pipeline Programs

International Education

Accomplishments (6)

Interdisciplinary Program Award (professional)

LMU Office for Research/Sponsored Projects Interdisciplinary Program Award for work as Co-PI on $1.2 M NOYCE grant to recruit more teachers into STEM fields

7 Revolutions Fellow (professional)

New York TImes/Center for Strategic & International Studies/Regents University System Georgia:

Award for Excellence in Mentoring Students (professional)

University of Georgia Schneider

Doctoral Scholar (professional)

US Department of Education Title VII

Presidential Scholar (professional)

Monterey Institute of International Studies

Lucie Stern Merit Scholar (professional)

Mills College

Affiliations (5)

  • AERA: American Education Research Association
  • ASCD: Associate for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • CCTE: California Council on Teacher Education
  • IRA: International Reading Association
  • TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Languages (2)

  • English
  • Spanish (conversational)

Courses (13)

Education & the Public Good

FYS 1000

Education & Global Issues

LBST 4900

A Better World: Explorations of Place & Purpose

URBN 3200/EVST 3120

English Language Develop/SDAIE

EDES 425

Education & Public Good

First Year Seminar

Pre-Practicum in Education

LBST 100/200

Theories of Second Language Acquisition

EDES 414

Cultural Paradigms of Education

EDUR 5000

Teaching Reading in Elementary Classrooms

EDES 402

English Language Development/SDAIE

EDLC 5200

Orientation to Learning

LIBA 170

Anthropological Analysis Diversity

EDLC 6100

Sociocultural Analysis in Education

EDUR 400

Articles (11)

In Press. Promoting Visual-Ecological Literacy in Teaching and Learning Through Nature-Based Art

Utilizing Visual Representation Educational Research

Musetti, B., Musetti, E., & Medina, D. (2022). In press. Promoting Visual-Ecological Literacy in Teaching and Learning Through Nature-Based Art. In H. J. Bessette & C. Sutton-Brown, (Eds.). Utilizing Visual Representation Educational Research, Information Age.

Review of the book Highly Effective Teachers of Vulnerable Students: Practice Transcending Theory by M. Poplin & C. Bermudez

Teachers College Record

Musetti, B. & Rojas, A. (2021). Review of the book Highly Effective Teachers of Vulnerable Students: Practice Transcending Theory by M. Poplin & C. Bermudez. Teachers College Record.

Ecological literacy in teacher preparation

Journal of Literacy Innovation

Musetti, B. (2019). Ecological literacy in teacher preparation: Urgency, affect & agency. Journal of Literacy Innovation,4 (1), 16-31.

Beyond teaching English


Wall, C. & Musetti, B. (2018). Beyond teaching English: A holistic approach to supporting English Learner students and their families. CATESOL Journal,30 (2), 1-17.

Standards-based reform

TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching

Musetti, B. (2016). Standards-based reform. In S. Salas (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley Publishing.

Project Planning and Sustainability

TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching

Musetti, B. (2016). Project Planning and Sustainability. In S. Salas (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley Publishing.

Humanizing the core: English Language Learners and culturally sustaining young adult literature

L. de Olivera and M. Shoffner

Musetti, B., Salas, S., & Murray, B. (2016). Humanizing the core: English Language Learners and culturally sustaining young adult literature. In L. de Olivera and M. Shoffner, (Eds.), London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bridging English Learners with community partners

Southern California Professional Development Schools Network News

Wall, C. & Musetti, B. (2016). Bridging English Learners with community partners: The connecting power of the community liaison. Southern California Professional Development Schools (SCPDS) Network News, 5(2), 3.

Unpacking capital: Promoting student success & learning to “do school”

TESOL in Action

Montalvo-Balbed, M. and Musetti, B. (2015). Unpacking capital: Promoting student success & learning to “do school”. GA TESOL in Action.

Latino transnationals (not) in advanced academics: Asking hard questions together

Talent development for English Language Learners: Identifying and developing potential

Salas, S., Musetti, B. & Plaisance, M. (2013). Latino transnationals (not) in advanced academics: Asking hard questions together. In M. Matthews and J. Castellano, (Eds.), Talent development for English Language Learners: Identifying and developing potential. Austin, TX: Prufrock Press.

Science as springboard

Teaching science with Hispanic ELLs in K-16 classrooms

Musetti, B., & Tolbert, S. (2010). Science as springboard: Promoting achievement and aspiration among English Language Learners. In D. Sunal & C. Sunal (Eds.), Teaching science with Hispanic ELLs in K-16 classrooms. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.