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Bettina von Stamm - Innovation Leadership Forum. North Wootton, Norfolk, GB

Bettina von Stamm

Director & Catalyst | Innovation Leadership Forum

North Wootton, Norfolk, UNITED KINGDOM

Inspiring, engaging and thought provoking insights on and around innovation



For the past 20 years Bettina has been a visionary and original thinker at the boundary between business and academia, working in the field of her passion: innovation. During her independent career she has always taken great pleasure and pride in combining and balancing a number of different activities such as research, teaching, writing, running networking initiatives and engaging in public speaking. Having worked independently in the field of innovation since 1992, she set up the Innovation Leadership Forum (ILF) in 2004. Through the ILF she offers a Networking Group (ILF NG), a series of 6 Innovation MasterClasses, a facilitated tool for the assessment of conditions for innovation, Innovation Wave®, as well as bespoke workshops, seminars, and innovation interventions. Her teaching and work with (primarily large) companies takes her around the world. She has also written 3 books on innovation (The Innovation Wave, Managing Innovation Design & Creativity, The Future of Innovation).

Industry Expertise (3)

Corporate Leadership


Think Tanks

Areas of Expertise (7)


Design Thinking

Future of Work

Future of Innovation




Education (3)

Fachhochschule Kiel, Germany: Dipl. Ing. Architektur & Stadtplanung 1986

London Business School: PhD 1998

The effects of context and complexity in new product development

London Business School: MBA 1992

Affiliations (4)

  • Middlesex University, UK
  • UnternehmerTUM, Technische Universität München, Germany
  • DEUSTO Business School, Bilbao, Spain
  • CEDIM, Monterrey, Mexico

Event Appearances (18)

Innovation for Consumers: How Can We Revitalize European Markets?

SAPPHIRE NOW  Frankfurt, Germany


The Future of Innovation

10th Conference Anpei  Curitiba, Brazil


Logistics: opportunity for supply chain innovation

Eurofruit Congress Southern Hemisphere  Cape Town, South Africa


Innovation’s Nirvana - Collaborating across communities

20th ISPIM Conference  Vienna, Austria


Cooperation and knowledge exchange in transnational networks – Mission Impossible?

Sustainable Bioenergy Use in Central Europe Final Conference of the project COACH BioEnergy  Berlin, Germany


Business success without innovation?

Innovation for Business Success  Dunfermline, Scotland


Innovation through New Ways of Working

Symposium on New Ways of Working  Utrecht, Netherlands


Discontinuous Innovation in European Companies: Thoughts and Challenges

Finding the Future, BIZLab conference  Dublin, Ireland


The future of innovation - beware of the dark side

International Conference of Engineering Design  Copenhagen, Denmark


Breakthrough innovation: making it happen

McKinsey’s Technology & Innovation Forum  Dubai


Where do good ideas come from?



How To Use Creativity for Disruptive Innovation

Pure Insight’s Innovation Leaders Summit  London, UK


The Role of Innovation: Redesigning business value through leadership and innovation

Green Strategies  London, UK


Innovation & Design, The ideal bed fellows?

DesignThinkers 08, the annual Conference of the Registered Graphic Designers Ontario  Toronto, Canada


Laying down the foundations for long-term growth

FT Innovate Executive Breakfast Meeting  London, UK


Why creativity is not enough to succeed with innovation

CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) World Conference Igniting Passion, Blazing Trails  Colombo, Sri Lanka


Ohne Komplexität geht es einfach nicht

WMF Symposium  Geislingen, Germany


Cooperation and knowledge exchange in transnational networks – Mission Impossible?

Sustainable Bioenergy Use in Central Europe Final Conference of the project COACH BioEnergy  Berlin, Germany


Sample Talks (4)

The Dark Side of Innovation

Innovation is on the agenda. It does not matter whether your organisation is small or large, whether you work in industry academia or government, or whether you work in the third sector: innovation is today's mantra. It seems to have become the holy grail everyone pursues (with varying degrees of success). We all get excited by the potential and possibilities innovation seems to offer. The presentation will ask whether there might be a dark side of innovation. We certainly need to think about innovation, a lot. But perhaps not quite as we know it, and the way we are used to. The presentation will challenge whether we join the quest for innovation too lemming-like, whether innovation has indeed become an end in itself rather than being a means to an end. It will close with proposing some armory and companions that might help keep the question for the innovation grail on the right tracks.

Simplicity without complexity?

In increasing complex times the call for simplicity resonates deeply with most. Are things becoming more complex, or more complicated? What if simplicity isn't quite that simple? And how to achieve simplicity after all.

Collaboration across boundaries – Mission Impossible?

Collaboration and knowledge sharing across boundaries is very important, today more so than ever before - many of today's challenges are such that they cannot be solved by any one individual, company or even country alone. Collaboration across boundaries means working across mindsets as well as departments and nations. Will essential and potentially hugely beneficial, such collaboration is often fraud with conflict and suboptimal results. What are the causes, and what can be done about them?

Innovation's Glass Ceiling

Over the past decade or two the call for innovation, for radical and breakthrough innovation in particular, has grown louder and louder, in private and public sectors alike. Yet surveys continue to indicate disappointment with the results. While much blame is being laid at the door of short-term driving stock markets, I believe that there are more fundamental obstacles to radical innovation than that: a lack of systems thinking, and and a lack of understanding the implications of human nature.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC


5000 to 15000