Dr. Biswanath Samanta, Associate Professor, received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kharagpur in 1987. He has since steadily held positions as lecturer, assistant professor, and associate professor at various institutions. His area of expertise is in the fields of mechatronics, dynamic systems and control, robotics and intelligent systems, and computational intelligence.
Areas of Expertise (5)
Diagnostics and prognostics
Swarm Robotics
Control Systems
Machine condition monitoring
Education (1)
IIT Kharagpur: Ph.D.
Links (3)
Articles (2)
Prediction of wind turbine noise propagation
Wind EngineeringTyler Blanchard, Biswanath Samanta
2018 In order to meet the US Department of Energy’s projected target of 35% of the US energy coming from wind by 2035, there is a strong need to look into the management and development of wind turbine technology and its impacts on human health, wild life, and the environment. The prediction of wind turbine noise and its propagation is very critical to study the impacts of wind turbine noise for long-term adoption and acceptance by neighboring communities. This article presents a study on the prediction of wind turbine noise propagation using an open access software and the publicly available topological map of projected sites. The noise propagation prediction utilized Openwind, a software package used for wind project design and optimization, to generate a noise map based on inputs acquired from a potential wind energy demonstration site. The predicted noise maps were incorporated with the measured ambient noise data to predict the resultant noise level in the surrounding neighborhood under different scenarios.
Noise and Vibration Issues of Wind Turbines and Their Impact–A Review
Wind EngineeringRodolfo C Saavedra, Biswanath Samanta
2015 Wind power is a rapidly growing technology, with an estimated 35% of national end-use electricity demand to be met from wind by 2050 in the US. With such a projected rapid growth, it is necessary to improve and innovate relevant technological areas with due considerations of possible impacts of wind energy harnessing through wind turbines. This paper presents a systematic review of current literature on the issues of noise and vibration of wind turbines and their impact on human health and wild life. The paper reviews the literature on the issues of noise and vibration in wind turbines, the generation mechanisms, the propagation, the impact on human health and wild life. The current status of technology and future developments to mitigate the health and environmental impacts of wind turbine noise and vibration are also reviewed. The paper includes a review of current standards on measurement of acoustic noise of wind turbines and data analysis.