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Brian Petted - Milwaukee School of Engineering. Milwaukee, WI, US

Brian Petted

Adjunct Associate Professor | Milwaukee School of Engineering


Brian Petted is an expert in RF and microwave engineering, RF system design, and electromagnetic fields.





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Education, Licensure and Certification (3)

B.S.: Electrical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering 1985

Associate: Electronics Communication Engineering Technology, Milwaukee School of Engineering 1983

M.S.: Electrical Engineering, Marquette University 1987

Areas of Expertise (5)

Signals and Systems

Electromagnetic Fields

Digital Signal Processing

Multipath Channel Modeling

MIMO Antenna Systems

Accomplishments (1)

Rockwell Engineering Pioneer Award (professional)

1994 Advanced Circuits and Processes Department


Media Appearances (1)

Interview with Brian Petted

EEWeb  online


How did you get into engineering? My father and grandfather were both mechanical engineers, so basically I became interested in it because my father left his old textbooks lying around in the attic. I would snoop around, open them up and thought it looked interesting.

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Event and Speaking Appearances (7)

LoRa Communication: Part 1: Introduction to LoRa Signalling

Seminar In Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Channel Capacity: Part 3: Maximization of Mutual Information for MIMO Channel MIMO Channel Capacity: Part 3: Maximization of Mutual Information for MIMO Channel

Seminar in Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Channel Capacity: Part 1: SISO Channel Foundation

Seminar in Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Channel Capacity: Part 2: Maximization of Mutual Information for SISO Channel

Seminar in Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Antenna System Considerations: Antenna Correlation E ects

Seminar in Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Simultaneous Beamforming and Null Steering in Linear Arrays: Eigen- mode Selection

Seminar in Microwave Engineering  Marquette University


MIMO Beamforming and Null-Steering

IEEE Joint Meeting Antennas and Propagation Society-Milwaukee  MSOE


Patents (4)

Dual band multiple-input multiple-output antennas


2020 Exemplary embodiments are disclosed of dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. In an exemplary embodiment, an antenna generally includes a circuit board, a first antenna radiating element positioned on the circuit board, a second antenna radiating element positioned on the circuit board, and at least two antenna feeding elements extending from the circuit board.

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Flexible planar inverted F antenna


2016 A flexible inverted “F” antenna (PIFA) is shown. The flexible PIFA is not only applicable to flat surfaces, but it can be applied to curved surfaces, both convex and concave, without degrading performance. The flexible PIFA can also be used close to living bodies or to a metal surface without detuning. The flexible PIFA is formed from a flexible printed circuit board (PCB) having a metal layer on one side and over which a cover layer is positioned.

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Di-pole wide bandwidth antenna


2000 A wideband receiver antenna that utilizes a right-circular cylinder-based reflector which is positioned one arc segment away from a di-pole receiving element for use with high definition television signal reception as well as FM receiver reception.

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Biasing network for use with field effect transistor ring mixer


1992 A biasing network for use in conjunction with a mixer employing field effect transistors which provides for minimum conversion loss over a range of process and temperature conditions. The biasing circuit includes a first field effect transistor having a small gate periphery which is configured as a current source, a second or reference field effect transistor having a gate periphery substantially equal to the gate peripheries of the transistors in the mixer to which the biasing circuit is providing DC biasing voltages and a voltage divider which is functional in defining operating conditions for the reference transistor.

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Selected Publications (3)

Taking a Closer Look at MIMO Radio Systems

MIcrowaves & RF

Brian Petted


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Oscillator computer-aided design process utilizes s-parameter and time-domain techniques

Microwave Journal

1990 S-parameter design has been the accepted method of designing MESFET oscillators. [1-3] The S-parameter theory describes the initial small signal conditions in which oscillations within a circuit may begin. When the oscillation signal amplitude grows to a high level, the operation of the MESFET becomes nonlinear and continued oscillation is unpredictable by S-parameter techniques.

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An octave band GaAs analog phase shifter


1989 A GaAs variable-gain analog phase shifter, which operates with high phase and amplitude resolution over an octave band, has been demonstrated. An all-pass approach to the phase shifter design eliminated the need for bulky hybrid couplers and allowed better than 0.5 degrees phase resolution over an octave band.

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