Industry Expertise (3)
Market Research
Areas of Expertise (4)
State of the Digital Nation
State of the Mobile Nation
Links (1)
Sample Talks (1)
State of the Nation
This presentation will be a deep dive into the State of the Digital Media Universe in Canada. It will focus on where Canada stands in terms of Usage and Duration from a worldwide perspective, as well as taking a close look on the behaviors of Canadians online. What are some of the differences between Canadians surfing behavior and surfers from around the world? What are some of the hot and cold categories? How to target populations online, and what are some of the ways to reach these targets online? What are the up and coming products and features that Canadians are consuming? As online is a key component in reaching Canadians, it is important to understand the landscape to determine the best way to reach them, with the most effective messages to generate the highest engagement and satisfaction.