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Bryon Moraski - University of Florida. Gainesville, FL, US

Bryon Moraski

Professor | University of Florida

Gainesville, FL, UNITED STATES

Bryon Moraski is an expert on Russian politics and Russian foreign policy.


Bryon Moraski conducts research and teaches classes on domestic politics in Russia, Russian foreign policy, and elections outside the United States. His book, Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine, moves beyond superficial similarities to illustrate key differences between Putin's dictatorship and Ukraine's flawed, but more democratic electoral politics

Areas of Expertise (4)

Ukrainian Politics

Russian Elections

Russian Politics



Articles (3)

Look Inside Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine

NYU Press

Bryon Moraski


In Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine, Bryon Moraski provides a window into the political landscapes of Russia and Ukraine, two countries that have clashed with each other—and struggled with their own popular revolts—in recent years. Drawing on election outcomes, party nominations, parliamentary voting, and other data, Moraski highlights how ruling parties, incumbent legislators, and others have adapted to major electoral system changes in both countries.

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Incentive to deliver: authoritarian rule, proportional representation, and support for Russia’s ruling party

Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties

Aidan Klein and Byron Moraski


We use electoral system change in Russia to identify the means by which a proportional representation (PR) system yields strategic electoral behavior that favors the ruling party in an authoritarian regime. Specifically, we argue that Russian regions enjoying greater representation via the ruling party in Russia’s first PR-only elections relative to the previously mixed electoral system should have been more likely to deliver votes in that party’s direction in the second PR-only election as a way to maximize their representation under the new rules.

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Adapting to closed-list proportional representation: lessons from Ukraine

Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties

Bryon Moraski


This paper examines the implications of Ukraine’s move from a mixed electoral system to one of proportional representation in the 2006 parliamentary elections. In particular, it seeks to understand how the elimination of district contests affected the two major parties’ strategies in selecting candidates. Two strategies are outlined: prioritizing inclusion and prioritizing cohesion.

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