Caroline Sauvage is professor of archaeology in the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts. She is also the NEH chair of Mediterranean Studies, and the Director of the LMU Archaeology center. She received her B.A. in art history and archaeology as well as her M.A. and Ph.D. in archaeology of the Ancient World from the Université Lumière Lyon 2 in France. Her research interests include trade and maritime exchanges in the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the development and use of textile tools during the Late Bronze Age and early Iron Age. Her research focuses on exchanges, the status of objects, and their representations and use as identity markers across the eastern Mediterranean. She is the author of “Routes maritimes et Systèmes D’échanges Internationaux au Bronze Récent en Méditerranée Orientale” (2012).
Education (5)
Université Lumière Lyon 2: Ph.D., Archaeology 2006
Université Lumière Lyon 2: M.A., Archaeology 2002
Université Lumière Lyon 2: Specialized Diploma, Egyptology 2002
Université Lumière Lyon 2: "Maitrise" of Archaeology, Archaeology 2001
Université Lumière Lyon 2: B.A., Archaeology 2000
Areas of Expertise (9)
textile tools
International Trade
Social Identity Through Archaeological Objects
Late Bronze Age
Archaeology of the Ancient World
Trade and Maritime Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean
Early Iron Age
Accomplishments (6)
Leon Levy – Shelby White Grant for Archaeological Publication (professional)
2024 – 2027 Leon Levy – Shelby White Grant for Archaeological Publication
Incoming Extra-European Fellow (professional)
2014 – 2015 Incoming Extra-European Fellow, Marie Curie 7th framework program
Award of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris) (professional)
2011 Award of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris) - Fondation Louis De Clercq (2 K).
Leon Levy – Shelby White Grant for Archaeological Publication (professional)
2008 – 2011 Leon Levy – Shelby White Grant for Archaeological Publication
Prix du Jeune Chercheur de la Ville de Lyon (professional)
2007 Prix du Jeune Chercheur de la Ville de Lyon, (Young Researcher Award of the Town of Lyon)
Post-doctorate fellowship (professional)
2006 – 2007 Post-doctorate fellowship, regional council of Rhône-Alpes (69), France
Links (1)
Media Appearances (1)
A Conversation With Caroline Sauvage
The Magazine of Loyola Marymount University online
Caroline Sauvage is an associate professor of classics and archaeology in the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts. She received her B.A. in art history and archaeology as well as her M.A. and Ph.D. in archaeology of the Ancient World from the Université Lumière Lyon 2 in France. Her research interests include trade and maritime exchanges in the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the development and use of textile tools during the Late Bronze Age and early Iron Age. Her research focuses on exchanges, the status of objects, and their representations and use as identity markers across the eastern Mediterranean. She is the author of “Routes maritimes et Systèmes D’échanges Internationaux au Bronze Récent en Méditerranée Orientale” (2012). Sauvage was interviewed by Editor Joseph Wakelee-Lynch.

Research Focus (4)
International trade, systems of trade and interconnections in the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt.
International trade, systems of trade and interconnections in the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt.
Definition of social identity through the use of archaeological objects, images and texts.
Definition of social identity through the use of archaeological objects, images and texts.
Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age transition in the northern coastal Levant and Cyprus.
Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age transition in the northern coastal Levant and Cyprus.
Technological developments and innovations: Mediterranean ships; textile tools.
Technological developments and innovations: Mediterranean ships; textile tools.
Courses (8)
Methods and Theories in Archaeology
Ancient Near East
Introduction to Near Eastern Religions
Aegean Art and Archaeology
Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Archaeology of the Levant
Cultures in Contact: Late Bronze Age
Textile Lab: from fiber production to social identity
Articles (41)
2023, À la découverte du royaume d’Ougarit (Syrie du IIe millénaire). Les fouilles de C.F.A. Schaeffer à Minet el-Beida et Ras Shamra (1929–1937),
la collection C.F.A. Schaeffer d’Ougarit au Musée d’Archéologie Nationale de St-Germain-en-Laye, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ViennaSAUVAGE, C. and LORRE, C. (eds),
2012, Routes maritimes et systèmes d’échange internationaux au Bronze Récent en Méditerranée Orientale,
TMO 62, LyonSauvage, C.
2010, Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale, et au Proche et Moyen-Orient
TMO 56Alarashi, H. Chambrade, M.-L. Gondet, S. JouveneL, A. Sauvage, C. Tronchère, H. (eds.)
2023, "The materiality of Late Bronze Eastern Mediterranean Textiles and Textile tools"
Archaeological Textile Review 65: 30-48C. Sauvage
2023, “Loom Weights from the Getty Villa Collection”,
Getty Research Journal 18: 1-34NOSCH, M.-L. & SAUVAGE, C.
2022, “Note on a While Lustrous Wheel-made Ware Spindle Bottle from Ras Shamra”,
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 388: 133-152C. Sauvage
2022, Senses and Textiles in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages (1550-1000 BCE)
in K. Neumann and A. Thomason, The Routledge Handbook on the Senses in the Ancient Near East, Routeledge, 35-61Sauvage, C.
2019, Clay Loom Weights in the Iron Age Period at Tell Tweini (Field A)
in J. Bretschneider & G. Jans (eds.), Archaeological and Environmental Research at Tell Tweini, Orientalia Lovaniesia Analecta, Peeters, 31-80Sauvage, C. & G. Jans
2017, The development of Bronze Age Maritime Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean
in P. De Souza (ed), The Sea in History – The Ancient World, Boydell and Brewer, Suffolk, 151-164-
2016, “Local and Regional Patterns of Textile Production in Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
in G. Bourogiannis & C. Muhlenboch (eds), Ancient Cyprus Today: Museum Collections and New Research, SIMA Pocket-book 184, Uppsala, 195-205Sauvage, C. & Smith, J.
2015, La navigation en Méditerranée orientale à l’âge du Bronze recent
NeHet 3: 73-103YON, M. & SAUVAGE, C.
2015, L’itinéraire maritime d’une reine d’Ougarit. Note sur le texte RS 94.2406 – in memoriam Pierre Bordreuil
Syria 92:239-254.SAUVAGE, C. & PARDEE, D.
2015, A Maritime Celebration to Aphrodite-Astarte: A Note on the Dor Scapula
Israel Exploration Journal 65: 69-89.C. Sauvage
2015, Nouvelle réflexion sur le dépôt aux 80 jarres de Minet el-Beida
in M. Al-Maqdissi, B. Geyer & V. Matoïan, De l’île d’Aphrodite au Paradis perdu, itinéraire d’un gentilhomme lyonnais, en hommage à Yves Calvet, RSO XXII, Leuven, 63-76.C. Sauvage
2014, On the origins and spread of Olea europaea L. (olive) domestication: evidence for shape variation of olive stones at Ugarit, Late Bronze Age, Syria;
a window on the Mediterranean Basin and on the westward diffusion of olive varieties”,Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23.5: 567-575.NEWTON, C. LORRE, C. SAUVAGE, C. IVORRA, S. & TERRAL,
notices of objects 15134A, 15134B, 76873.01, 91196, 91197.01-02, 91194, 91195, 76673, 76698.05, 91331, 76704, 76714+76882.05, 76715, 81206, 81214, 91330
entre rêve et archéologie2014, “notices of objects 15134A, 15134B, 76873.01, 91196, 91197.01-02, 91194, 91195, 76673, 76698.05, 91331, 76704, 76714+76882.05, 76715, 81206, 81214, 91330”, in A. Bouchet, P. Darque and Z. Tsirtsoni La Grèce des origines, entre rêve et archéologie, RMN, Paris.
2014, Les relations internationales dans la méditerranée orientale (XVe-Xe siècles)
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 76: 19-28.C. Sauvage
Spindles and Distaffs: Late Bronze and Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean use of solid and tapered ivory/bone shafts
Interdisciplinary Studies in Textiles and Dress in Antiquity2014 “Spindles and Distaffs: Late Bronze and Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean use of solid and tapered ivory/bone shafts”, in M.-L. Nosch & M. Harlow, Interdisciplinary Studies in Textiles and Dress in Antiquity, Oxford: Oxbow books, 184-226.
Review of M.E. Aubet, Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge, 2013
BASOR2014 “Review of M.E. Aubet, Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge, 2013” BASOR 372: 238-240.
2013, Une fusaïole inscrite d’Ougarit conservée dans les collections du MAN
in V. Matoïan, Études Ougaritiques III, RSO, Leuven: Peeters, 365-394.SAUVAGE, C. & HAWLEY, R.
Lead isotope analyses on White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus (Hala Sultan Tekke, Sanidha) and Syria (Ugarit) and their potential raw material sources
Applied Geochemistry2013, RENSON, V., MARTINEZ-CORTIZAS, A. MATTIELLI, N. COENAERTS, J. SAUVAGE, C. VANHAECKE, F. LORRE, C. RAUTMAN, M. NYS, K. CLAEYS, P. “Lead isotope analyses on White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus (Hala Sultan Tekke, Sanidha) and Syria (Ugarit) and their potential raw material sources”, Applied Geochemistry 28: 220-234.
Sondage sur l’acropole d’Ougarit – 2009-2010
Syria2013, MATOÏAN, V. AL-MAQDISSI, M. CARBILLET, A. SAUVAGE, C. “Sondage sur l’acropole d’Ougarit – 2009-2010”, in MATOÏAN, V. AL-MAQDISSI, M. HAYDAR, J. AL-BAHOUL, K. BENECH, C. BESSAC, J.-C. BORDREUIL, E. CALLOT, O. CALVET, Y. CARBILLET, A. DARDAILLON, E. GEYER, B. GOIRAN, J.-P. HAWLEY, R. HERVEUX, L. MARRINER, N. ONNIS, F. PARDEE, D. REJIBA, F. ROCHE-HAWLEY, C. SAUVAGE, C. “Rapport préliminaire sur les activités de la mission syro-française de Ras Shamra-Ougarit en 2009 et 2010 (69e-70e campagnes)”, Syria 90: 460-463.
The Scribe Thab'ilu as attested in the Epigraphic Finds from the 5th Season of Excavations at Ras Shamra
Ugarit Forschungen2013 (2014), HAWLEY, R. PARDEE, D. & SAUVAGE, C. “The Scribe Thab'ilu as attested in the Epigraphic Finds from the 5th Season of Excavations at Ras Shamra”. Ugarit Forschungen 44: 384-411.
Spinning from old threads: the whorls from Ugarit at the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and at the Louvre
Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East. Archaeology, Epigraphy, Iconography2012, “Spinning from old threads: the whorls from Ugarit at the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and at the Louvre”, in Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East. Archaeology, Epigraphy, Iconography, edited by H. Koefoed, M.L. Nosch and E. Anderson Strand, 189-214, Oxford: Oxbow books.
Review of G. Saadé, Ougarit et son Royaume, des origines à sa destruction, édité par M. Yon avec le concours de L. Badre, BAH 193, IFPO, 2011
Histara-les comptes rendus2012, “Review of G. Saadé, Ougarit et son Royaume, des origines à sa destruction, édité par M. Yon avec le concours de L. Badre, BAH 193, IFPO, 2011” Histara-les comptes rendus
Les routes maritimes reliant la Méditerranée, l’Afrique, l’Arabie et l’Inde au 2ème millénaire BC
La Rochelle2011, G. PLISSON & C. SAUVAGE, “Les routes maritimes reliant la Méditerranée, l’Afrique, l’Arabie et l’Inde au 2ème millénaire BC”, in Actes du 130e congrès du CTHS Voyages et voyageurs, La Rochelle, 2005.
Evidence from old texts: Aspects of the Late Bronze Age international maritime travels and trade regulations in the Eastern Mediterranean
Intercultural contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean2011, “Evidence from old texts: Aspects of the Late Bronze Age international maritime travels and trade regulations in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in Intercultural contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by K. Duistermaat and I. Regulski, OLA 202, 433-443. Leuven: Peeters.
Objects of Prestige? Chariots in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and Near East
Ägypten und Levante - Egypt and the Levant2010, FELDMAN M. & C. SAUVAGE, “Objects of Prestige? Chariots in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and Near East” Ägypten und Levante - Egypt and the Levant 20: 67-181.
Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale, et au Proche et Moyen-Orient2010, ALARASHI H., M.-L. CHAMBRADE, S. GONDET, A. JOUVENEL, C. SAUVAGE, H. TRONCHÈRE, “Avant-propos”, in Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale, et au Proche et Moyen-Orient, edited by H. Alarashi, M.-L. Chambrade, S. Gondet, A. Jouvenel, C. Sauvage, H. Tronchère, 4-5. TMO 56. Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
Sondage sur l’acropole d’Ougarit – 2008
Syria2010, “Sondage sur l’acropole d’Ougarit – 2008”, in AL-MAQDISSI M., Y. CALVET, V. MATOÏAN, K. BAHLOUL, C. BENECH, J.-C. BESSAC, E. COQUEUGNIOT, B. GEYER, J.-P. GOIRAN, N. MARRINER, F. ONNIS, C. SAUVAGE, “Rapport préliminaire sur les activités de la mission syro-française de Ras Shamra-Ougarit en 2007 et 2008 (67e et 68e campagnes)”, Syria 87:40-45.
Trade and Exchanges in the Late Bronze Age: an Adaptation to the Environmental Milieu
Proceedings of the 4th ICANE 29 March – 3 April 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, volume 12008, “Trade and Exchanges in the Late Bronze Age: an Adaptation to the Environmental Milieu”, in Proceedings of the 4th ICANE 29 March – 3 April 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, volume 1, edited by H. Kühne, R.M. Czichon, and F.J. Kreppner, 207-218. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Les navigateurs et commerçants maritimes du Bronze Récent dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée
Voyageurs dans l’Antiquité2008, “Les navigateurs et commerçants maritimes du Bronze Récent dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée”, in Voyageurs dans l’Antiquité, edited by Y. Le Bohec.
Rapport préliminaire sur les activités de la mission syro-française de Ras Shamra-Ougarit en 2005 et 2006 (65e et 66e campagnes)
Syria2007, AL-MAQDISSI M., K. BAHLOUL, Y. CALVET, O. CALLOT, V. MATOÏAN & C. SAUVAGE, “Rapport préliminaire sur les activités de la mission syro-française de Ras Shamra-Ougarit en 2005 et 2006 (65e et 66e campagnes) ”, Syria 84: 33-56.
“Marine et navigations phéniciennes”, in La Méditerranée des Phéniciens de Tyr à Carthage
Catalogue de l’exposition de l’Institut du Monde Arabe2007, “Marine et navigations phéniciennes”, in La Méditerranée des Phéniciens de Tyr à Carthage, catalogue de l’exposition de l’Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, novembre 2007 - avril 2008. 92-101. Paris: Somogy.
“L’existence d’une saison commerciale dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée au Bonze Récent
BIFAO2007, “L’existence d’une saison commerciale dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée au Bonze Récent”, BIFAO 107: 202-212
Warehouses and the Economic System of the City of Ugarit: the Example of the 80 Jar Deposit and Deposit 213 from Minet el-Beida
Ugarit Forschungen2006, “Warehouses and the Economic System of the City of Ugarit: the Example of the 80 Jar Deposit and Deposit 213 from Minet el-Beida”, Ugarit Forschungen 38: 617-629.
Ras Shamra – Ougarit (Syrie): la fouille du chantier Grand-Rue
Orient-Express2005, “Ras Shamra – Ougarit (Syrie): la fouille du chantier Grand-Rue”, V. Matoïan avec la participation de C. Sauvage, Orient-Express 2005: 63-66.
Quelques figures de commerçants d’après les textes égyptiens et ougaritiques, au Bronze Récent
Autour de Polanyi: vocabularies, théories et modalités des échanges2005, “Quelques figures de commerçants d’après les textes égyptiens et ougaritiques, au Bronze Récent”, in Autour de Polanyi: vocabularies, théories et modalités des échanges, edited by Ph. Clancier, F. Joannès, P. Rouillard & A. Tenu, 155-170. Paris: De Boccard.
Les routes du commerce
Le royaume d’Ougarit aux origins de l’alphabet2004, “Les routes du commerce”, in Le royaume d’Ougarit aux origins de l’alphabet, catalogue de l’exposition à Lyon, 118. Somogy: Paris.
Les relations commerciales entre l’Égypte et Ougarit, aperçu de la question
Orient-Express 20042004, “Les relations commerciales entre l’Égypte et Ougarit, aperçu de la question”, Orient-Express 2004, Actes des deuxièmes rencontres doctorales, 107-117.
Routes maritimes en Méditerranée Orientale au Bronze Récent
Orient-Express 20022002, “Routes maritimes en Méditerranée Orientale au Bronze Récent”, Orient-Express 2002/4: 108-111.