Christen Buckley's research areas include corporate social advocacy/responsibility, nonprofit communication, crisis communication, and communication technologies. She has more than five years of experience as a digital media strategist with a strong background in campaign development, research and analytics, and branding for digital channels. Christen has managed and implemented multi-million dollar integrated online marketing campaigns for local and national nonprofits, developed multi-channel strategies to acquire new constituents and cultivate current constituents, constructed analytical reports, and provided in-depth analyses of fundraising benchmarks.
Areas of Expertise (5)
Strategic Communication
Crisis Communication
Communication Technology
Corporate Social Responsbility
Social Advocacy and Social Change
Media Appearances (1)
Forward Motion: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Happening Now
Forbes online
Current smart technology has ushered in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new era integrating communications with automating industrial practices and traditional manufacturing. Through this improved communication, smart devices make human intervention unnecessary as machines communicate, self-diagnose and solve problems.
Articles (3)
Tracking the Path of the Green Consumer: Surveying the Decision-Making Process from Self-Transcendent Values to Supportive CSR Intentions
SustainabilityNicholas Eng, et. al
This paper examines the relationship between individual traits and values of consumers and their decision-making process pertaining to purchasing green products from companies with a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Guided by the theory of planned behavior (TPB), the main goal of this online survey (N = 463) is to understand the relationship between self-transcendent values, environmentalism, attitudes, norms, perceived behavioral control, intentions, and purchase frequency...
Refuting fake news on social media: nonprofits, crisis response strategies and issue involvement
Journal of Product & Brand ManagementMichail Vafeiadis, et. al
The dissemination of fake news has accelerated with social media and this has important implications for both organizations and their stakeholders alike. Hence, the purpose of this study is to shed light on the effectiveness of the crisis response strategies of denial and attack in addressing rumors about consumer privacy when non-profit organizations are targeted on social media.
Can We Nudge Users Toward Better Password Management?: An Initial Study
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsShipi Kankane, et. al
Nudge theory has been widely used in government and health interventions for the subtlety with which it positively influences choices. But, can this gentle nudge influence users to exhibit secure online account behaviors? And further, which of the nudge types is most effective? Results show the salience nudge most effectively reduced one's comfort level with keeping the auto-generated password.