Christian Rossetti’s, associate professor of logistics, research focuses on strategic sourcing, aligning goals in buyer-supplier relationships, and supply chain structure. He has published papers in Decision Sciences Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and International Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, among others. Christian’s teaching areas include logistics, production planning and control, and strategic sourcing. He comes to Georgia Southern from North Carolina State University.
Areas of Expertise (5)
Supply Market Research
Logistics Management
Logistics and Intermodal Transportation
Supply Chain Logistics
Operations Planning and Control
Accomplishments (5)
Department of Business Management Research Growth & Innovation Award
Big-Data Poole College of Management Grant w/ M. Stanko
Journal of Operations Management Reviewer of the Year
CAPs Scholarship, Center for Advancement of Purchasing Studies
Gill Grant Recipient, NCSU College of Management
2008 & 2009
Education (3)
Arizona State University: Ph.D, Business Administration: Supply Chain Management 2006
Worcester Polytechnic Institute: M.S. 2000
McGill University: B.Eng, Civil Engineering 1990
Affiliations (6)
- Journal of Operations Management : Editorial Review Board
- Journal of Supply Chain Management : Editorial Review Board
- Academy of Management : Member
- Decision Sciences Institute : Member
- Institute of Supply Management : Member
- Production and Operations Management Society : Member
Links (3)
Articles (6)
All You Need is Love? Communication Insights From Pop Music's Number-One Hits
Journal of Advertising ResearchDavid H. Henard, Christian L. Rossetti,
2014 In response to calls for further investigation on the role of music and advertising, the authors of the current study analyzed popular music's most successful songs over a 50-year period (1960–2009). The current paper uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to uncover communication themes from nearly 1,000 songs that best resonated with mass audiences. The study identifies 12 communication themes and finds that they are used repeatedly over time; are largely emotional in nature; appear congruent with contemporary societal and environmental influences; and help predict a song's chances of commercial success. The results provide advertising professionals with a repertoire of themes for consideration in advertising and other marketing communications for mass audiences.
A multi-agent simulation of the pharmaceutical supply chain
Agent-Based Modeling and SimulationGaurav Jetly, Christian L Rossetti, Robert Handfield
2014 The pharmaceutical supply chain is composed of multiple firms interacting to produce and distribute drugs in an uncertain environment. In this work, we develop and validate a multi-agent simulation of the supply chains associated with the pharmaceutical industry. We demonstrate that the operating norms of a particular industry can be accurately represented to create an industry-specific model capable of tracing its evolution. Our model is initialized using 1982 financial data with 30 manufacturers, 60 suppliers, and 60 distributors. Three types of drugs, blockbusters, medium and small, with a 12-year lognormal product life cycle are released by manufacturers. Each quarter the distributors bid for future market share of the released products, and the suppliers bid for acceptable margins. Mergers and acquisitions, based on assets and expected profitability, are allowed at each level. One thousand replications, each lasting the equivalent of 39 years, are used to validate the model.
Forces, trends, and decisions in pharmaceutical supply chain management
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics ManagementChristian L Rossetti, Robert Handfield, Kevin J Dooley
2011 The purpose of this paper is to identify and examine the major forces that are changing the way biopharmaceutical medications are purchased, distributed, and sold throughout the supply chain. This will become important as healthcare reform moves forward, and logistics will be transformed in this industry.
Job Types in the Supply Chain Management Profession
Journal of Supply Chain ManagementChristian L. Rossetti and Kevin D. Dooley
2010 There is little academic consensus on a definition of supply chain management (SCM). Education and research could benefit from a better understanding of how practice is defining the profession, in terms of the type of jobs associated with SCM. Existing definitions of SCM suggest two archetypal job functions: functional integrator and process manager.
Supply Management under High Goal Incongruence: an empirical examination of disintermediation in the aerospace supply chain
Decision Sciences JournalChristian L. Rossetti and Thomas Y. Choi
2008 Aftermarket sales and profits are becoming an increasingly important part of an original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) business model. Because replacement parts often do not require further manufacturing, OEMs act as intermediaries in the aftermarket. As with any intermediary, the OEM must concern itself with suppliers disintermediating its supply chain selling replacement parts directly to the OEM's customers.
The Candy Container Competition: Reinforcing Gross Weight, Balance, and Stowage in Intermodal Transportation
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative EducationChristian L. Rossetti
Accepted for Publication This article has been accepted, but is not in print.