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Christopher Brown - University of Florida. Gainesville, FL, US

Christopher Brown

Clinical Associate Professor | University of Florida

Gainesville, FL, UNITED STATES

Christopher Brown is primarily interested in areas of connection between athletic training, sports medicine, and sports performance.


Christopher Brown is a board-certified and licensed athletic trainer and serves as a clinical associate professor in the Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT) program. He also serves as the program’s clinical education coordinator, overseeing the sports performance concentration. He also holds multiple certifications in strength and conditioning and teaches courses for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Areas of Expertise (9)

Athletic Training Education

Environmental Physiology


Sports Healthcare

Athletic Training

Sports Medicine

Strength and Conditioning

Athlete Physical Therapy

Performance Enhancement


Articles (3)

Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Reducing Pain and Increasing Function After Acute Lateral Ankle Sprain: A Critically Appraised Topic

Journal of Sport Rehabilitation

Erin Frey, et. al


Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in athletics, and many lead to recurrent sprains, chronic ankle instability, and persistent symptoms. Treatment improvements are needed. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) involves formulating autologous plasma with higher platelet concentration to be injected in the desired tissue.

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American Football Soft-Shell Helmet Covers Reduce Head Impact Severity: A Critically Appraised Topic

International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training

Kayla O’Connell, et. al


There is consistent SORT level C evidence to support that soft-shell helmet covers reduce measures of head impact severity and measures of linear and rotational acceleration. The impact reductions occurred at magnitudes less than the average reported concussive impact, which limits the application of the evidence with respect to concussion incidence or risk among American football players.

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Twenty-Three-Year-Old Collegiate Soccer Athlete With Bilateral Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis: A Case Report

International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training

Allyson Folkert, et. al


A 23-year-old collegiate club soccer player reported to his athletic trainer right hip flexor pain and no recalled mechanism. Diagnostic imaging revealed bilateral avascular necrosis (AVN) of both femoral heads. Medical intervention included bilateral core decompression surgery.

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