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Dario Cucci - Infinite Success Australia. Melbourne Area, Australia, Victoria, AU

Dario Cucci

Head Coach and Sales Trainer | Infinite Success Australia

Melbourne Area, Australia, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

The Sales Trainer-Silence Is being Broke, knowing how to talk smart is Gold!





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Over the last 10 years I have used my certification as a Business Coach and NLP Master Practitioner to empower Business owners by showing them smarter and more effective ways to communicate with their potential customers to make more sales. In addition to it I've shown them how to brand and market themselves better. Further more I had the opportunity to work along great mentors and leaders such as Chris Howard, Jamie McIntyre, Kerwin Rea and many others.

I have my own Sales and Coaching Program which allows the Small Business Owner to implement next to their busy schedule and get results. One of my clients doubled her sales in only 7 Days after having had 1 Coaching Session with me on skype.

She got from having 5 paying clients to having 10 paying clients and her hourly rate got from $250 per hour to an average of $750 per hour all because of the communication strategies she used because of what I coached her to do within her business when following up prospects.

Industry Expertise (3)

Professional Training and Coaching


Corporate Training

Areas of Expertise (3)

Public Speaking

Internet Strategy

Sales Skills Training

Accomplishments (2)

Held 1 Day Business Transformation Workshop (professional)


I recently held my first 1 Day Business Transformation Workshop. Received outstanding feedback from those who attended and converted over 25% of the Room for my Coaching Program and up coming 3 Day Workshop.

Over $1,000,000 Additional Sales Revenue In Under 12 months (professional)


I made over $1,000,000 additional Sales Revenue 3 times in a row working for 3 different companies with different structures by using my communication skills selling high priced educational programs and events over the phone.

Education (6)

High School in Switzerland: General 1988

I studied and graduated from High School in Switzerland, moved to Australia about 10 years ago were I further studied and qualified as a Personal Trainer, NLP Master Life and Business Coach, Hypnosis Therapist and Actor.

NLP Training School: International Cert. Master Pract., NLP, Business Coaching, Hypnosis 2003

Dr Tad James Co: International Cert. NLP Master Pract. , International Cert. Master Pract., NLP, Business Coaching, 2003

Shiftspeaker Training: Cert. Speaking and Selling From Stage, Public Speaking and Selling from Stage Using NLP Techniques 2011

Ben Angel: Cert. Of 3 Day Beyond Breakthrough Program, Publicity and Marketing 2011

Fitness Institute of Australia: Cert 4 of Personal Training and Business Management, Personal Trainer Cert 4 and Business Management 1999

Affiliations (11)

  • The Actors Nest
  • Shiftspeaker Mentoring Program
  • Aweber
  • Prosperity Marketing System
  • Chris Howard
  • 21st Century Academy
  • Network 21
  • Universal Events
  • Empowernet
  • Clickbank
  • Ben Angel Self Brand Inc

Testimonials (1)

Deborah Jackson, Marketing Coach | Easy Marketing

“Dario is a fantastic sales coach. I received amazing benefits from working with him. He helped me focus more clearly on some of my sales strategies and gave me confidence in a few areas I was struggling in. I would highly recommend Dario. He is very personable and creative and works closely with you until you are happy with your results.”

Sample Talks (1)

Business Transformation Through Communication That Wins You More Clients

I have spoken and trained people in the area's on smarter communication so that they can win more clients for their Business without coming across like doing the hard sell. The speaking engagements I've had I would speak about how to connect with your customers, win their trust so they can sell their services not according to the feature but the benefit for their customers. Besides that I get the students to do exercises that help them transform their communication and mindset.



  • Keynote
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Corporate Training


0 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee