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Dauntae  Baldwin - Winners Edge. Pensacola , FL, US

Dauntae Baldwin

Winners Edge


''The Michael Jordan of Motivational Speaking''



He has been called “The Michael Jordan of Motivation Speaking” Dauntae Baldwin has been described as “One of America’s next big motivational Icons,” “ Success is a Marathon not a Sprint” speech that Martin Luther King would've patted him on the back and called him a genius. He's making strides to carve his Initials in the Box of legacy and greatness that will forever impact our history in that category of Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Ron.” He is comprised of helping at risk people to achieve long-term balanced success based on his life long learning of philosophy of character, attitude and skills, his food for thought has impacted people to the extreme and continues to make a difference in their lives of those who act on his philosophy and apply it daily.

,Dauntae Baldwin also is a Author he has written many books with titles as follows, Vision Like Noah , The Sellinator, Destiny Warrior, Money Talks, The Secret Trumpet, The Art of Self Realization, Think and Grow Rich 2. Dauntae Baldwin Motivational and Spiritual Books are widely distributed through multiple channels including the Dauntae's personal website, Amazon Distrubution channels, Barnes &

Industry Expertise (1)


Areas of Expertise (1)




  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


0 to 20000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee