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David Harrison - The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business. Austin, TX, UNITED STATES

David Harrison

Professor, Department of Management | The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business


Performance influences in organizations, including diversity, work role adjustment, time, executive judgment and decision making


Areas of Expertise (11)

Employee Disability and Health Issues

Organizational Diversity

Work Roles and Behaviour

Executive Decision Making

Team Dynamics

Business Ethics

Leadership Traits

Employee Voice


Workplace Communication and Knowledge Sharing

Absenteeism and Time Management


David A. Harrison is an educator, researcher and author addressing issues that impact every organization on the front lines. He has published over 100 articles, book chapters, editorial reviews, papers, and monographs addressing a) diversity in organizations, b) work role adjustment, c) time, and d) executive judgment and decision making. Indeed, it is difficult to identify a factor of organizational culture or performance that has not been addressed in his research and writings.

Harrison is a professor, and the Charles & Elizabeth Prothro Regents Chair of Business Administration in the department of management at the McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin.

In addition to having been a National Science Foundation Fellow, his work has been honored with multiple Walter de Gruyter and Sage Best Paper awards from the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management, the Carolyn Dexter International Best Paper award from the Academy of Management, and the Saroj Parasuraman Award for Outstanding Publication in Gender and Diversity in Organizations (GDO) from the Academy of Management.

He has been Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Other editorial board memberships have included Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Research Methods. His work has been referenced in U.S. Congressional hearings, and cited by hundreds of fellow scholars.

Dr. Harrison has been an active member of SIOP, where he was elected a Fellow. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. In addition, he has supported the Academy of Management in various roles, in the Research Methods Division as an award-winning Professional Development Chair, Program Chair, and Division Chair.





David Harrison Photo



Education (4)

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign: Ph.D., Social/Organizational/Individual Differences Psychology 1988

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign: M.A., Social/Organizational/Individual Differences Psychology 1986

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign: M.Sc., Applied Statistics & Psychometrics 1985

Bowling Green State University: B.Sc., Psychology 1983

Graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Media Appearances (7)

My Creepy Quest to Save Humanity from Robocar Commuting

Wired  online


“Engineers need to create space to move around some, and interfaces that allow touch, talk, and digital recording,” says David Harrison, who studies telecommuting at the University of Texas at Austin. “It would be critical to allow the space to be customizable—either walling off the passenger or allowing light and openness to the outside world (through glass). Different strokes for being productive.”

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The Late, Great Adult Snow Day?

Pilot Tribune  online


Snow days are no longer something for adults to look forward to. With the rise of technology and telecommuting, more and more workers are expected, or even contracted, to work from home when they can't make it into the office.

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8 UT faculty make Reuters' highly cited researchers list

Daily Texan  online


Eight UT faculty members made Thomson Reuters’ 2015 Highly Cited Researchers list, which selects the top 1 percent of researchers in each field. Five engineering professors made the list, as well as professors in business, psychology and physics.

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New Research: Your Boss Probably Can't Hear You When You Speak

BloombergBusiness  online


It’s more of a 'talk to the hand' situation,” says Harrison. The things that lower-status employees or racial minorities say “will still tickle [supervisors’] ear drums, but they are just not paying attention, and they aren’t going to process it as being truly useful input.”

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The Adult Snow Day Is Dying, and That's Sad

New York Magazine  online


“Snow days used to be a windfall,” said David Harrison of the University of Texas’s McCombs School of Business. “They used to [think], I don’t have to work. And now they’re not.” [telecommuting]

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Down With Pants, Up With Telecommuting

Chicago Tribune  online


Harrison, who has researched telecommuting, said working from home not only tends to increase employee satisfaction and retention, it also can save companies money on real estate and office upkeep.

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Debunking Four Myths About Employee Silence

Harvard Business Review  online


In part because employees do sometimes speak up, bosses are often unaware of their workers’ self-censorship. They imagine they’re hearing what’s important when in fact they’re being met with silence they’re simply unaware of.

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Articles (12)

David A. Harrison Citations

Google Scholar

Listing of top scholarly works by David W. Harrison.

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Seeing Their Side Versus Feeling Their Pain: Differential Consequences of Perspective-Taking and Empathy at Work

Journal of Applied Psychology


Perspective taking and empathic concern (empathy) have each been proposed as constructive approaches to social relationships. However, their potential distinctions, limitations, and consequences in task contexts are not well understood. We meta-analytically examined 304 independent samples to uncover unique effects of perspective taking and empathic concern on important work-related outcomes.

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Glass Breaking, Strategy Making, and Value Creating: Meta-Analytic Outcomes of Women as CEOs and TMT Members

Academy of Management Journal


We conduct a comprehensive synthesis of the research on how female representation in the upper echelons (i.e., top management teams and chief executive officer positions) might affect firm performance. ...We find that female representation in the upper echelons in general is positively and weakly related to forms of long-term financial performance, but negatively and weakly related to short-term stock market returns. ....

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Ups and Downs of the Expatriate Experience? Understanding Work Adjustment Trajectories and Career Outcomes

Journal of Applied Psychology


We examine changes in work adjustment among 179 expatriates from 3 multinational organizations from predeparture through the first 9 months of a new international assignment. Our 10-wave results challenge classic U-shaped theories of expatriate adjustment (e.g., Torbiorn, 1982). Consistent with uncertainty reduction theory, our results instead suggest that expatriates typically experience a gradual increase in work adjustment over time.

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Who Gets Credit for Input? Demographic and Structural Status Cues in Voice Recognition

Journal of Applied Psychology


The authors investigate the employee features that, alongside overall voice expression, affect supervisors’ voice recognition.

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Are Telecommuters Remotely Good Citizens? Unpacking Telecommuting's Effects on Performance Via I‐Deals and Job Resources

Personnel Psychology


Despite their widespread adoption, concerns remain that virtual work arrangements can harm employee job performance and citizenship behavior. Does telecommuting really hamper these critical dimensions of employee effectiveness? ...As predicted, we find that telecommuting is positively associated with task and contextual performance, directly and indirectly via perceived autonomy.

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Triggering Faultline Effects in Teams: The Importance of Bridging Friendship Ties and Breaching Animosity Ties

Organization Science


We examine the complex effects of faultlines and network ties on team performance. By using panel data from 672 individuals in 148 research teams at a major U.S. university, we find that informal networks serve as triggers and dampeners of faultline effects. ...Overall, the results highlight the conceptual and empirical importance of (the location of) team members' network patterns when studying how member composition influences team outcomes.

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Breaking Glass: Meta-Analytic Resolution of the Performance Effects of Women in Strategic Leadership

Academy of Management


How does the impact of female representation in strategic leadership positions (top management teams, boards of directors, CEO positions) affect firm performance?

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What's the Difference? Diversity Constructs as Separation, Variety, or Disparity in Organizations

Academy of Management


We present guidelines for conceptualization, measurement, and theory testing, highlighting the special case of demographic diversity.

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How Important are Job Attitudes? Meta-Analytic Comparisons of Integrative Behavioral Outcomes and Time Sequences

Academy of Management


We propose that overall job attitude (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) provides increasingly powerful prediction of more integrative behavioral criteria (focal performance, contextual performance, lateness, absence, and turnover combined).

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Ethical Leadership: A Social Learning Perspective for Construct Development and Testing

Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes


We propose social learning theory as a theoretical basis for understanding ethical leadership and offer a constitutive definition of the ethical leadership construct.

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Time, Teams, and Task Performance: Changing Effects of Surface-and Deep-Level Diversity on Group Functioning

Academy of Management


We propose that stronger team reward contingencies stimulate collaboration.

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