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David Mitchell - Missouri State University. Springfield, MO, UNITED STATES

David Mitchell

Professor, Economics and Director of Bureau of Economic Research | Missouri State University

Springfield, MO, UNITED STATES

Dr. Mitchell's research and professional interests include economics of the environment and economic forecasting.







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Dr. David Mitchell is Professor of Economics, Director of the Bureau of Economic Research and Director of the Center for Economic Education at Missouri State University.

His research and professional interests include economics of the environment, housing, regional economic growth and economic forecasting.

Industry Expertise (2)



Areas of Expertise (3)




Education (3)

Oklahoma State University: Ph.D., Economics 2001

Central Missouri State University: M.A., Economics 1996

Truman State University: B.S., Economics 1994

Languages (1)

  • English

Media Appearances (3)

Examining Right-to-Work, What Lies Ahead for Missouri

KSMU  online


Dr. Mitchell provides his insight about Missouri’s right-to-work law.

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Springfield area prepares for change to overtime regulations

Springfield News-Leader  online


The regulation change will affect about 85,000 workers in Missouri and 4.2 million nationally when it comes into effect, according to the White House. This change won't affect all parts of the country — or even Missouri — equally, said David Mitchell, director of the Bureau of Economic Research at Missouri State University.

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Gap Years: How the Growing Trend Impacts Students

KSMU  online


Dr. Mitchell provides his insight about the gap year trend among high school graduates.

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Minds-Eye (1)

Economics professors look for value in the night sky

Some see romance. Others see the future. But rarely do people see the night sky the way these Missouri State researchers do – in dollar signs.

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Articles (5)

Blinded by the Light: Economic Analysis of Severe Light Pollution

Journal of Economics

2013 This paper examines severe light pollution such as commonly found in large urban areas. Light pollution is the unintended negative consequences of poorly designed and injudiciously used artificial lighting. Light pollution generates significant costs including ...

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Analysis of the economic effects of low income housing tax credits

Journal of Business and Economics Research

2011 The development of low income housing projects can provide both social and economic benefits to a state. As an economic engine, low income housing projects provide construction jobs and positively impacts long term employment. This paper examines the ...

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The economics of global light pollution

Ecological Economics

2010 This paper is the first analysis of the economic factors of global light pollution. Light pollution commonly refers to excessive or obtrusive artificial light caused by bad lighting design. Light pollution generates significant costs including negative impacts on wildlife, health, ...

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An Examination of the Impact that Classroom Based Experiments have on Learning Economic Concepts.

Journal of Economics

2008 This paper examines and extends the important pedagogical issue of whether using classroom based experiments to illustrate concepts such as supply and demand increases students' knowledge and understanding of economics. Previous literature has ...

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Local economic performance and election outcomes

Atlantic Economic Journal

2006 This paper uses a logit model to test whether voters will alter their support for incumbents in state level elections, specifically gubernatorial and state house and senate elections, when local (ie, county) economic conditions are observed. The results signify ...

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