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Debra Hydorn - University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg, VA, US

Debra Hydorn

Professor of Mathematics | University of Mary Washington

Fredericksburg, VA, UNITED STATES

Debra Hydorn is a professor at the University of Mary Washington with interests in math and statistics education and mathematical art.



Debra L. Hydorn, Professor of Mathematics, earned a Ph.D. (1993) in statistics from the University of Michigan, after receiving an M.S. (1988) in mathematics from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She holds a B.S. (1980) in mathematics and zoology from the University of Michigan. Dr. Hydorn has given several presentations at professional conferences, most recently “Combining On-and Off-Campus Service-Learning in a Statistics Methods Course” at the eighth International Conference on Teaching Statistics in Ljubljana, Slovenia and the paper “Group explorations and art projects in a mathematics of art course for first-year students” at the 2010 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco. In addition, she was a co-presenter for a talk on using blogs in freshman seminar courses at the 2010 International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics.

Her publications include a chapter on service learning in statistics courses for the 2005 Mathematical Association of America publication “Mathematics in Service to the Community.” She has received several grants from the University for a variety of projects including curriculum development and computer usage in the undergraduate curriculum. Most recently, Dr. Hydorn was awarded a 2011-2012 Mary Washington Faculty Development Grant for the project “Correcting for Error in GPS Position to Improve the Linear Association Between Satellite and Field-Collected Measurements of Elevation.”

Dr. Hydorn is a member of the American Statistical Association, the Mathematics Association of America, the Council on Undergraduate Research and the Virginia Academy of Science.

Areas of Expertise (9)


Mathematics Education

Mathematics and Art

Global Positioning Systems (Gps)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Service Learning

Online Education

Research Administration


Accomplishments (4)

Hydorn Elected Councilor for Council on Undergraduate Research (professional)


Debra Hydorn was recently elected to a three-year term as Councilor for the Mathematics & Computer Science division of the Council on Undergraduate Research. Councilors are the governing body of CUR and set policy and develop programs for the organization.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) Grant (professional)


Awarded by the National Science Foundation for projects related to "Improving Undergraduate STEM Education."

UMW J. Christopher Bill Outstanding Service Award (professional)


Awarded by the University of Mary Washington.

Regional Undergraduate Research Grant (professional)


Awarded by the Mathematical Association of America.

Education (3)

University of Michigan: Ph.D., Statistics 1993

University of Texas: M.S., Mathematics 1988

University of Michigan: B.S., Mathematics and Zoology 1980

Affiliations (4)

  • American Statistical Association
  • Mathematics Association of America
  • Council on Undergraduate Research
  • Virginia Academy of Science

Media Appearances (4)

Hydorn completes ONR Summer Faculty Research Program

EagleEye  online


Debra Hydorn, professor of mathematics, participated in a 10-week research project at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division ...

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Hydorn to Serve as Leadership Mentor

EagleEye  online


Debra Hydorn, Professor of Mathematics, was selected to serve as a leadership mentor at the AAC&U/Project Kaleidoscope Summer Leadership Institute ...

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Professors Elected Co-Chairs of AAC&U PKAL D.C. Regional Network

EagleEye  online


Professors Debra Hydorn and Suzanne Sumner (mathematics) were elected co-chairs of the new D.C. regional network of the American Association’s Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) ...

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Hydorn Presents Paper, Has Artwork in Mathematical Art Exhibition

EagleEye  online


Dr. Hydorn also had the artwork “Gnomon Board” accepted for the Exhibition of Mathematical Art ...

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Event Appearances (4)

Tennis Balls Four Ways

Joint Statistical Meetings  San Diego, CA


Fostering Creativity with Geometer’s Sketchpad

Joint Mathematics Meetings  Boston, MA


The Research Process: A Statistics Course for Biology Majors

US Conference on Teaching Statistics  Raleigh, NC


Combining On- and Off-Campus Service-Learning in a Statistics Methods Course

International Conference on Teaching Statistics  Ljubljana, Slovenia


Articles (3)

Combining On- and Off-campus service learning in a statistics methods course

Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Statistics


Many models for implementing service-learning are possible, but the issue of meeting the needs of a community service organization within an academic time frame must be considered regardless of which model is chosen. Organizational deadlines that occur too early or too late in a course can minimize the contribution of the service project to students’ learning. Expanding the definition of ‘community’ to include the academic community allows the possibility of working with student, faculty and administrative ‘clients’ across campus whose data analysis needs may agree better with the time frame available during a single course.

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Community Service-Learning in Statistics: Course Design and Assessment

Journal of Statistics Education


In this article, different models for incorporating service-learning in statistics courses are presented along with example statistics courses. Principles for good service-learning practice will also be presented as a means for assessing the quality of a service-learning course component.

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Community Service Projects in a First Statistics Course

Mathematical Association of America


In "Mathematics in Service to the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in the Mathematical Sciences."

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