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Dr. Lucie Vidovićová - International Federation on Ageing. Brno, , CZECH REPUBLIC

Dr. Lucie Vidovićová

Assis. Prof. | Masaryk University


Lucie is a sociologist, educator, and speaker on age, ageing, envirogerontology, gerotechnologies, ageism, and other age(ing) topics.



Dr. Lucie Vidovićová Publication Dr. Lucie Vidovićová Publication



Dr. Lucie Vidovićová Photo Dr. Lucie Vidovićová Photo Dr. Lucie Vidovićová Photo


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Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, PhD. (*1977 in Brno, Czech Rep.) is a sociologist. Her long-term research interests include the sociology of ageing, age discrimination, active ageing, and social exclusion. She is also involved in research projects in the field of environmental gerontology, social policy, labour market, family and lifelong learning. She conducts research for national as well as European bodies and works as a consultant on a number of implementation projects. Lucie also cooperates with different governmental and NGO bodies in the field of senior advocacy. She was part of the UNECE Task Force for Ageing-related statistics, the EAST network of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and serves as a Vice-president on the Executive Committee of RC 11 Sociology of Aging at the International Sociological Association. Since 2016, she also serves as a co-leader of a working group on spatial exclusion within the ROSEnet COST Action. Recent projects she has been involved in include surveys of the labour market conditions of older workers and their impact on retirement decisions (DetREU), MOPACT (Extending working lives: raising the employment of older workers, aided by lifelong learning), and those on older consumers, age discrimination, ageing in big cities, ageing in rural areas, the issue of role overload in later life and the use of humanoid robots for the active ageing community programmes, ageing in prisons, and social exclusion from social relationships (all the latter as a principal investigator).

Areas of Expertise (8)

Human Rights

Climate Change


Environmental Gerontology

Ageism and Age Discrimination

Intergenerational Relationships



Education (3)

Masaryk University: Ph.D., Sociology of Aging 2008

Masaryk University: Mgr., Sociology 2001

Masaryk University: Bc, Social Policy & Social Work 1999

Affiliations (3)

  • Vice-President, Sociology of Ageing at the International Sociological Association: 2010-present
  • Member, UNECE Task Force on Ageing-related Statistics: 2013-2016
  • Advisor, Minister for Human Rights and Minorities Džamila Stehlíková: 2007

Languages (5)

  • Czech
  • English
  • Croatian
  • Slovakian
  • Slovenian

Media Appearances (10)

Růst penzí: nutnost, nebo předvolební tahák?

90 'ČT24  online


Interaktivní zpravodajský pořad ČT24

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Lepší reklamu na stárnutí než covid-19 jsme si neuměli ani představit

Česká pozice  online


„Ve stáří se odrážejí všechny věci, jak je nasbíráme v průběhu života. Proto je základem prevence, a to nejen základní zdravotní“ říká v rozhovoru socioložka Lucie Vidovićová z Ústavu populačních studií Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.

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Socioložka: Covid vytváří prostředí pro rozdmýchání mezigenerační války

iDNES  online


Ochránit staré a nemocné nebo se pokusit o promoření populace a upřednostnit ekonomiku? Kvůli epidemii koronaviru se otevřelo mimo jiné téma toho, jakou hodnotu má lidský život. Senioři nejsou homogenní skupina, větší reklamu pro téma stárnutí bychom nevymysleli, říká v rozhovoru pro iDNES.cz socioložka Lucie Vidovićová, která se zabývá takzvaným ageismem.

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Do penze míří nejšťastnější generace. Šedesátníci jsou spokojenější

iDNES  online


Podle socioložky z Masarykovy univerzity Lucie Vidovićové jim přináší nejvíce radosti prarodičovská role, role zaměstnance naopak nejvíce stresu. „Pokud je člověk relativně zdráv, může to být velmi příjemné životní období,“ míní socioložka.

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Jak se dožít stovky: Ženy mají osmkrát větší šanci než muži

iDNES  online


„Je to sice zjednodušující, ale v zásadě to platí. Jedna italská lékařská studie uvádí, že existuje navíc rozdíl mezi pohlavími. Podle ní u žen hraje genetika ještě menší roli než u mužů,“ říká socioložka brněnské Masarykovy univerzity Lucie Vidovićová. Samotný vysoký věk nemusí být výhra, tou je hlavně dobrá kondice. Aby gerontologové vyjádřili rostoucí rozdíly mezi vitalitou starší generace, sáhli k typologii a rozdělili seniory do čtyř kategorií podle zdatnosti.

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Ze Zlínského kraje lidé odcházejí jen zřídka, přesto obyvatel ubývá

iDNES  online


Zlínský kraj zůstává v žebříčku druhý od konce. „Lidem se tady nežije zle. Roli samozřejmě hraje i to, že více než jinde vyznávají tradiční hodnoty a lpí na rodině,“ mínila socioložka Masarykovy univerzity v Brně Lucie Vidovićová. „Ale kdyby se jim nežilo dobře, tento argument by nepřevážil a stěhovali by se za lepší prací a podmínkami,“ doplnila Vidovićová.

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Nejpilnější čtenáře má Zlínský kraj, vede žebříček knihoven v zemi

iDNES  online


Knihovny se ale stávají centrem vzdělávání, nabízejí přednášky, besedy, soutěže, klid, relaxaci, odpočinek. A když už člověk přijde, tak si obvykle nějakou knihu i půjčí,“ naznačila socioložka Lucie Vidovićová.

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We have cities that are hostile to the elderly, warns against the ageism festival Vzpurná Praha

Radio Wave  online


According to Lucie Vidovičová, it is good to reject the so-called "Peter Pan architecture". This is an approach called, according to the fictional hero of Peter Pan's children's books, that he never gets old.

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Městům ve Zlínském kraji ubývá obyvatel. Nejvíc Zlínu, nejméně Kroměříži

iDNES  online


Spousta lidí se někam jen přistěhuje a místo si adoptuje. Extrémním příkladem jsou Sudety, kde jsou stále problémy, protože tam byly zpřetrhané rodové vazby starousedlíků,“ uvažuje Lucie Vidovićová u Ústavu populačních.

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Do not be afraid to age! Gray is good, says an aging expert

Brno  online


Lucie Vidovičová is one of the leading experts in the field of aging that she has been working on for a long time. She is the author of The Aging, Age and Discrimination - New Links. He considers old age as the color of our lives when we dream.

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Research Focus (5)


ERA-Net Cofound, H2020

2019 A lifecourse perspective on the gendered pathways of social exclusion in later life, and its consequences for health and wellbeing

UNECE consultancy

Policy Brief #21

2018 Ageism as a barrier to longer working life

Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion

Collaborations in Research and Policy ROSEnet COST Action CA15122

2016-2020 MC; WG co-leader

Determinants of Retirement Decisions in Europe and the United States

A Cross-National Comparison of Institutional, Firm-level and Individual Factors

2013 - 2016 National Expert

Mobilizing the Potential of Active Ageing in Europe


2013 – 2016 National Expert

Courses (2)

SOC570 Social gerontology: Concepts and controversies

Students after finishing the course will: - be able to formulate their positions and engage in critical thinking on various social features from the point of view of ageing studies. They will be able to state main definitions and criticism on social theories of ageing. They will be able to individually build a critical case and to reflect various social phenomenon and summarise it in the form of structured scientific journal article.

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Introduction to social gerontology

Students after finishing the course will: - be able to recognize hidden, objective and subjective, age norms, their occurrence and effectiveness; - know how to build a research instrument adapted for an older population; - write an essay using the structure of a journal article with selected citation standard; - Present the main conclusions of their individual studies in the study group.

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Featured Articles (5)

Older Adults and Civic Engagement in Rural Areas of the Czech Republic

European Countryside

Marcela Petrová Kafková, Lucie Vidovićová, Petr Wija

2018 Older adults represent a specific group of political and civic actors. In one line of argument, the growing number of people over 65 is gaining stronger voice and representation, and plays a stronger role in social, economic and political life and changes in societies.

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Quality of Rural Life. Editorial 16 June 2018

European Countryside

Antonín Vaishar, Lucie Vidovićová, Elisabete Figueiredo

2018 The paper discusses the concept of the quality of life and its measuring. It tries to explain its peculiarities in the rural space considering different levels of education, professional activities, mobility, ways of dwelling, access to the social and technical infrastructure.

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New Roles for Older People

Journal of Population Ageing

Lucie Vidovićová

2018 In 2005, the world was amazed by the news of a 67-year old writer and part-time university lecturer in Romanian literature, Adriana Iliescu, becoming the world’s oldest mother

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The Expected, Evaluated, Perceived, Valued and Prevalent Social Roles of Older People: Are They by Consent?

Building Evidence for Active Ageing Policies

Lucie Vidovićová

2018 This chapter uses the Active Ageing Index (AAI) as an “operationalisation” of the active ageing paradigm and compares it with the perceived roles and contributions of older people and older peoples’ own preferences and prevalent role sets.

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How Age-Friendly Are Cities?: Measuring Age-Friendliness with a Composite Index

Emerging Trends in the Development and Application of Composite Indicators

Lucie Vidovićová

2017 The chapter introduces the Age-friendly City Index as a way of measuring the age-friendliness of urban environments. The proposed index assesses the dimensions of outdoor spaces and transportation as they are perceived and evaluated by older people, residents of the fourteen biggest towns in the Czech Republic.

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