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Dr. Robert  Devenyi - University Health Network. Toronto, ON, CANADA

Dr. Robert Devenyi

Ophthalmologist-in-Chief, Krembil Neuroscience Centre | University Health Network

Toronto, ON, CANADA

Robert G. Devenyi, MD, MBA, FRCSC, FACS. Opthalmologist-in-Chief and Director of Retinal Services at the University Health Network (UHN)



Dr. Robert  Devenyi Photo Dr. Robert  Devenyi Photo Dr. Robert  Devenyi Photo Dr. Robert  Devenyi Photo Dr. Robert  Devenyi Photo



Robert G. Devenyi, MD, MBA, FRCSC, FACS. is Ophthalmologist-in-Chief and Director of Retinal Services at the University Health Network (UHN). He is also the team ophthalmologist for the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League. Devenyi is a vitreoretinal...

Industry Expertise (4)


Health Care - Services

Health Care - Providers

Health and Wellness

Areas of Expertise (5)

Argus Ii

Retinal Services

Degenerative Eye Disease



Education (1)

University of Toronto School of Medicine: MD, Medicine

Media Appearances (3)

Toronto hospital implants Canada’s first “bionic eye”

The Star  online


When 76-year-old Ian Nichols’ grandchildren were born over the last 20 years, he loved holding them in his arms, but a vision impairment prevented him from seeing them as they grew. That has changed. Nichols is one of two patients to have recently undergone once unimaginable “bionic eye” surgery at Toronto Western Hospital, the first time the procedure was performed in Canada.

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Respect for surgeon motivates estate gift

TGWHF  online


It was a leisurely Sunday afternoon in 1989 when Jay Adamson felt a sudden, sharp pain in her eye. "It was a dreadful pain," Jay recalls. Her regular eye doctor immediately referred her to Dr. Robert Devenyi (now Ophthalmologist-in-Chief at Toronto Western Hospital) who saw her right away. "I knew it must have been bad," she says.

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Conrad Black: How the Canadian health system saved my left eye

National Post  online


As I all but leapt from my conjugal bed on Wednesday morning (which the little woman already had departed, in order to lavish attentiona on her magnificent dogs), my customary assurance that the new day would be an inexhaustible storehouse of pleasant surprises was clouded with disconcertion: I could scarcely see out of my left eye.

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Articles (5)

Eye protection in professional hockey


Impact of visors on eye and orbital injuries in the National Hockey League.

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Evaluating the safety of air travel for patients with scleral buckles and small volumes of intraocular gas


Eyes with small volumes of intravitreal gas demonstrate significant IOP changes during atmospheric decompression in simulated flight. The presence of a scleral buckle significantly limits the magnitude of IOP change, suggesting that such patients can likely tolerate typical air travel without undue risk of dangerous IOP elevation.

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Clinical variables associated with failure of retinal detachment repair: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report number 4


To identify risk factors associated with failure of anatomic reattachment in primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.

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Predictors of treatment failure for pneumatic retinopexy


The purpose of this study was to define the overall anatomic success rate in pneumatic retinopexy and to identify morphologic features that may be predictive of treatment failure in pneumatic retinopexy.

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Strategy for the management of complex retinal detachments: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 2


To study the outcome of the treatment of complex rhegmatogenous retinal detachments (RRDs).

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