Dr. Hahn is an award winning video producer having worked on an array of projects. Today, his work in academia focuses primarily on preparing the next generation of content creators while investigating production elements (such as use of statistics, highlights, instant replay, etc.) within sports media (both traditional broadcasts and social media) and their effects on modern sports fans. Dr. Hahn has presented at national and international conferences and published numerous articles in national and international, peer-reviewed journals. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Electronic Media Production at Harding University before completing his Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communications at Texas Tech University.
Areas of Expertise (4)
Sports Media
Statistics in Media
Sport and Social Media
Sports Fanship
Accomplishments (2)
Award of Excellence, BEA On-Location
Best of Competition Award, Festival of Media Arts
Education (3)
Texas Tech University: Ph.D., Mass Communication/Media Studies 2014
Texas Tech University: M.A., Mass Communication/Media Studies 2012
Harding University: B.A., Electronic Media ProductionBachelor 2009
Affiliations (3)
- Member: International Association for Communication and Sport
- Member: Broadcast Education Association
- Member: National Broadcasting Society – Alpha Epsilon Rho
Links (2)
Media Appearances (2)
What to watch during quarantine
TCU 360 online
We go to media for all kinds of reasons. If your reasons are to laugh, escape, and enjoy something (mostly) light-hearted, then check out the shows I’ve listed below that, despite excruciating breakups, global warming, and many, many deaths, may bring moments of levity in what can feel like uncertain times.
Statistics in Sports Broadcasts Add to Spectator Experience
TCU Magazine online
Dustin Hahn, assistant professor of film, television and digital media, is interested in sports fanaticism and statistics. The combination proved to be a natural segue into his research on NFL broadcasts. His 2018 study analyzed the type, frequency and presentation of numbers related to individual and team performance. Numbers are “objective, they’re simple, they can tell all sides of an issue,” he said.
Event Appearances (5)
The structure of social sports media: An analysis of Instagram posts during 2018 March Madness tournaments
BEA On-Location Annual Conference Houston, Texas
It’s a numbers game: Change in frequency, type, and presentation form of statistics used in NFL broadcasts.
Broadcast Education Association Annual Conference Las Vegas, NV
The impact of domain-specific interest on exemplification effects in sports media
Celebration of Faculty Research & Creative Scholarship Fort Worth, Texas
It’s a numbers game: Change in frequency, type, and presentation form of statistics used in NFL broadcasts
Celebration of Faculty Research & Creative Scholarship Fort Worth, Texas
The influence of visual attention to exemplar versus base-rate indicators of athlete performance on viewer perception and evaluation of athletes
10th Summit of the International Association of Communication and Sport Phoenix, AZ
Research Grants (2)
Junior Faculty Summer Research Program Grant 2018
Faculty Summer Research Program $6,000
Awarded $6000 for summer research project titled “Likeable Madness: A Content Analysis of the Structure and Subjects of Instagram Posts During 2018 NCAA Tournaments.”
WTAMU Foundation Faculty Development Grant 2015
WTAMU Foundation $524.00
Awarded $524.00 for assistance in travel accommodations to present research at a national conference.
Articles (6)
Instagram as Exemplar: Examining the Presence and Likability of Subjects and Statistics in March Madness Posts
International Journal of Sport Communication2019 While many sport fans gravitate to new media, questions remain regarding what they are consuming. Specifically, this study addresses a nascent gap in sport communication research by identifying the presentation form and subject portrayals of 443 Instagram posts during 2018 college basketball tournaments and measuring subsequent likability of such depictions. Results yield 4 important findings.
The impact of domain-specific interest on exemplification effects in sports media.
Psychology of Popular Media Culture2019 Scholars have long used exemplification theory to examine the relative influence of selected cases or exemplars versus objective base-rate information on public perception of issues or events depicted in the media. However, relatively little research has probed individual differences that moderate these effects.
It’s a numbers game: Change in the frequency, type, and presentation form of statistics used in NFL broadcasts
International Journal of Sport Communication2018 Although scholars have examined numerous facets of broadcast sports, limited research has explored the use of statistics in these broadcasts. Reference to statistical summaries of athlete or team performance have long been a component of sport broadcasts, and for some viewers the rise of fantasy sport has led to even greater interest in quantitative measures of athlete or team performance.
Differentiating objective sport knowledge versus subjective sport fanship via a test of exemplification in sport media
Communication & Sport2018 Recognizing the need for a more nuanced measure of sport fanship, this study utilizes an experiment to better understand the construct of sport fanship, comparing a common sport fanship measure and an adapted, objective measure of sport knowledge.
Effects of attractiveness, gender, and athlete–reporter congruence on perceived credibility of sport reporters
International Journal of Sport Communication2014 Studies examining factors that influence credibility perceptions have demonstrated the importance of a source’s gender and attractiveness. However, scholars have only begun to extend these findings to credibility in the context of mediated sports. This experiment tested the relationship that gender and attractiveness have with credibility and whether this varies as a function of the gender of the athlete in a given story.
Re-presenting sport: How instant replay and perceived violence impact enjoyment of mediated sports
Mass Communication and Society2013 Scholars have asserted that instant replay profoundly impacted the practices and conventions of televising athletic competition. However, empirical explorations of how this technique impacts viewer response are scarce. This experiment was designed to fill this gap by exploring the relationship between instant replay, perceived violence, and enjoyment across both exciting and dull game play.