Elliot S. Schreiber, Ph.D., has gained a global reputation among both corporate executives and academics as one of the world's most knowledgeable and insightful business and market strategists. Elliot's recognition in organizational alignment, strategy execution and risk management are second to none. He has held C-suit positions in global organizations, such as Chief Strategist, DuPont Company, Head of Communications, Bayer Corp, and CMO, Nortel Networks. During the dot com boom, Elliot co-founded a e-consulting company called Digital 4sight. The company was sold in 2001. He has also taught business and marketing in MBA and EMBA programs at the University of Delaware, McMaster University, Villanova, and Drexel University. Elliot is widely sought as a speaker at international business and academic conferences and has written numerous articles that have been published in academic and business journals. He has been the featured presenter at several corporate executive retreats and at a variety of business conferences. In addition, his blog has gained popularity as a source for a number of business reporters internationally.