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Erno Hannink - ErnoHannink. Doetinchem, Gelderland, NL

Erno Hannink

Social Media Mentor | ErnoHannink

Doetinchem, Gelderland, NETHERLANDS

Make your Coaching Biz No.1 in your Niche



Erno Hannink Publication


Attracting clients that is the game  Klanten werven via internet voor ZZP-ers @RaboGN #kennisvloer Balans in ondernemerschap en gezin pecha kucha psa holland Attracting Clients online GSS11





"Erno is one very knowledgable presenter. This guy really knows his stuff! With Erno, it wasn't just the basics but it was about real-world applications.

If you have a chance to hear Erno, take the time --- make the time --- to participate and be part of this event. You will be glad you did when you turn ideas he has into solid business for you" Terry Brock

I support coaches and entrepreneurs that want to build a family and build a business at the same time without shortchanging either or dying of exhaustion, with Family and Business Balance.
Author of the books ‘Attracting Clients’ and 'Choosing your target audience'

Speaking topics:
- Building your family and building your business at the same time without dying from exhaustion
- Attract your ideal client online, the key to success for experts that need more business
- Stop wasting time with social media and start using it to get new clients

"Erno is a very inspiring as a speaker on (t)his topic. He is giving a lot of tips you can implemend directly. His knowlegde is huge and the combination with his speaking skills makes it worth to book him!" Pauk ter Wal

Industry Expertise (5)

Social Media

Direct Marketing

Public Relations and Communications


Professional Training and Coaching

Areas of Expertise (5)

Facebook for Business

Grow Your Business

Family & Business Balance

Attracting Clients

Attracting Clients Via Social Media

Accomplishments (3)

Organiser of Social Media Event (professional)

Yearly event in the Netherlands for independent professionals

Initiator WordCamp Netherlands (professional)

WordCamp Netherlands for WordPress developers, designers, enthusiasts

initiator Social Media Club Netherlands (professional)

The first Social Media Club in the Netherlands was Amsterdam. I was the initiator and are the co-organiser of our monthly event.

Education (2)

Hogeschool Enschede: Master, Telecommunication 1992

MBA Arnhem Zwolle: Master 2000

Event Appearances (2)


SOBCon  Chicago


PSA Holland - speaking jobs with Facebook  Utrecht



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance


2000 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee