Since Florian joined a chapter of Toastmasters International in Barcelona in 2005, public speaking has become his greatest passion. In 2009, he turned his passion into a profession by launching Florian Mueck – Boosting your Charisma.
Today, a collaborator of IESE Business School Barcelona and author of "The Seven Minute Star – Become a Great Speaker in 15 Simple Steps", Florian offers inspiring communication seminars, presentation coaching, keynote speeches and moderation in English, Spanish and German across Europe – mainly to international corporations.
Industry Expertise (5)
IT Services/Consulting
Food and Beverages
Hotels and Resorts
Areas of Expertise (3)
Public Speaking
Education (1)
University of Bamberg, Germany: Dipl.-Kaufmann (German MBA), Business Administration (Marketing, MIS) 2000
Links (2)
Testimonials (3)
Daniel Braun, Director | Mercure Hotel Munich City Center
The love for what one does, the love to create, the attitude towards individuality – Florian Mueck has proven these qualities. Many thanks for a perfectly trained and motivated team! Where rhetoric and teambuilding are concerned – this is our understanding of the pursuit of perfection.
Peter McKenzie, Operations Director | Citigroup Spain
I hired Florian to provide a public speaking workshop for a series of high potential managers in the service center that Citi has in Barcelona. The session was excellent. The most enjoyable course that I have witnessed on the subject of public speaking. Florian knows the subject thoroughly. He imparted the session with enthusiasm, passion and humour. Most important was the feedback from the managers. They all rated the session between ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’ and all recommended that Florian be hired again to give the session on the next leadership course that Citi holds. This says it all…!
Laksman Omar Cham, Credit & Collection EMEA | HP Spain
More than 100 people enjoyed Florian’s educational training speech The Seven Minute Star. It was definitely one of the highlights of our HP EMEA Finance Training Day. It is not like any other rhetorical training. It is highly interactive. You get entertainment at its best, and still it is a very informative session. In 15 simple steps Florian shows how to implement those rhetorical tools in many different occasions. I can only recommend Florian as a speaker and trainer, if you need advice on how to speak in public.
Sample Talks (2)
The Seven Minute Star - Become a great Speaker in 15 Simple Steps
Experience-driven, practical, to the point - whatever your profession may be, these 15 steps will propel you up the stairs where you'll find your seven minutes of glory - on stage. Topics covered: self-confidence, transparency, first sentence, eye contact, voice, body language, visual aids, structure, rhetoric, anecdotes, quotes, humor, enthusiasm, passion, smile. Interactive training speech of approx. 1.5h. Optional: Every participant receives the book "The Seven Minute Star".
The Bumpy Road to Heureka!
Inspirational speech at the Heureka! online conference in Berlin/Germany in May 2012. In English language. Four lessons learned on my personal path to success. Use of four props/visual aids to make message more tangible and memorable. 550 participants.
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC
- Author Appearance
- Corporate Training