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Forrest Morgeson - Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI, US

Forrest Morgeson

Associate Professor | Michigan State University


Forrest Morgeson teaches marketing management, marketing strategy, and marketing research courses to graduate students.



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Insights: Forrest Morgeson, Director of Research ACSI



Forrest V. Morgeson III is Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University. He also serves as the Co-Director of the Doctoral Program in Marketing. Dr. Morgeson teaches marketing management, marketing strategy, and marketing research courses to graduate students. Dr. Morgeson’s past position was Director of Research at the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), where he managed ACSI’s academic research and team of researchers, advanced statistical modeling and analysis, and the company’s international projects and licensing program.

Dr. Morgeson’s research focuses on customer satisfaction and customer experience measurement and management. His work also explores the marketing-finance interface, the impact of political identity on consumer attitudes and behaviors, and the impact of information technology on customer service delivery (e-commerce and e-government). His highly cited research (4,045 citations on Google Scholar) has been published in the leading journals in marketing, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Journal of International Marketing, along with several publications in the leading journals in public administration and management. Dr. Morgeson has recently published two books: Citizen Satisfaction: Improving Government Performance, Efficiency, and Citizen Trust (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), and The Reign of the Customer: Customer-Centric Approaches to Improving Satisfaction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). In addition, over the past 20 years Dr. Morgeson has served as a consultant to dozens of corporations and government agencies on consumer and citizen satisfaction topics and has delivered lectures and presentations in more than 50 countries around the world. Morgeson is regularly quoted and featured in print and radio media, including the Wall Street Journal, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, the Washington Post, The Hill, and Forbes, among others.

Industry Expertise (3)



Market Research

Areas of Expertise (5)

Marketing Research

Customer Loyalty

Public Policy

Customer Experience

Customer Satisfaction

Accomplishments (3)

Instructor Excellence Award for the Executive MBA Program (professional)

2018 Broad College of Business

Instructor Excellence Award for the Full-Time MBA Program (professional)

2018 Broad College of Business

Summer Research Grant Award (professional)

2021 Broad College of Business

Education (2)

University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. 2005

Western Michigan University: B.A. 1996

News (5)

Customers Give Hotels ‘5 Stars’ as Guest Satisfaction With the Industry Surges, ACSI Data Show

BusinessWire  online


“After two years of decline, a sweeping surge in guest satisfaction with hotels could signal that the industry is moving past the pandemic,” says Forrest Morgeson, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Michigan State University and Director of Research Emeritus at the ACSI. “Concurrent with a wave of pent-up demand, the positive momentum is widespread as all hoteliers increase satisfaction year over year.”

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Atmos Energy Leads Energy Utilities in Customer Satisfaction as Overall Industry Remains Stable, ACSI Data Show

Business Wire  online


“When customers go without power for extended periods of time, maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction becomes a challenge,” said Forrest Morgeson, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Michigan State University and Director of Research Emeritus at the ACSI. “All things considered, the 2023 results suggest energy utilities are continuing to provide relatively high levels of customer service.”

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4 out of 5 organizations have not increased their customer satisfaction since 2010!

CustomerThink  online


We asked Forrest Morgeson, assistant professor of marketing at the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University and the director of research at the Customer Satisfaction Institute at Michigan, to discuss it with us on the podcast. His research focuses on customer satisfaction, customer experience, measurement, and management. So, I wanted to share his insight here with you, too.

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10 Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction

American Association for Physician Leadership  online


Despite all the effort and money poured into CX tools by companies, customer satisfaction continues to decline. In the United States, it is now at its lowest level in nearly two decades, per data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Consumer sentiment is also at its lowest in more than two decades. This negative dynamic in the customer-centric ecosystem in which we now live creates the challenge of figuring out what is going wrong and what companies can do to fix it.

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The government’s satisfaction index is up, but still not what it should be

Federal Drive with Tom Temin  online


The latest poll of Americans’ satisfaction with service they get from the federal government is up. But with a score of 66 out of 100, the American Customer Satisfaction Index is still below pre-pandemic levels. To get more insight into the poll, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with Forrest Morgeson, the former index research director, who is now a professor at Michigan State University.

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Event Appearances (3)

Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement

FPT School of Business & Technology  Hanoi, Vietnam


Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement

FPT School of Business & Technology  Hanoi, Vietnam


Regulatory Challenges to Promote the Development of the Digital Economy: A Consumer Empowerment Perspective

APECTEL Workshop for OSIPTEL  Lima, Peru


Journal Articles (5)

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): A sample dataset and description

Data in Brief

2023 This article provides a sample of survey data collected by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Using online sampling and stratified interviewing techniques of actual customers of predominantly large market-share (“large cap”) companies, the ACSI annually collects data from some 400,000 consumers residing across the United States for more than 400 companies within about 50 consumer industries.

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Weathering the crash: Do customer-company relationships pay off during economic crises?

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

2023 Do stronger relationships with customers (customer-company relationships [CCR]) help firms better weather economic crises? To answer this question, we examine firm performance during the stock market crashes associated with the two most severe economic crises of the last 15 years—the protracted Great Recession crisis (2008–2009) and the shorter but extreme COVID-19 pandemic crisis (2020).

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Customer satisfaction and international business: A multidisciplinary review and avenues for research

Journal of International Business Studies

2022 We systematically review the literature on customer satisfaction, partitioning the literature into three generations of thought and focus, with the most recent, third generation, heavily emphasizing international business phenomena. Following a brief, stage-setting review of the first two generations – which address, respectively, the psychological underpinnings of the satisfaction concept, its antecedents, and consequences (first-generation), and the relationship between customer satisfaction, its strategic firm drivers, and firm financial performance outcomes, as well as moderators and mediators of those drivers and outcomes (second-generation) – we primarily focus on the third-generation international studies that have emerged over approximately the last 20 years.

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Partisan bias and citizen satisfaction, confidence, and trust in the U.S. Federal Government

Public Management Review

2021 While the U.S. federal government has adopted myriad initiatives mandating collection of citizen evaluations of its services, scant research exists into how prior biases such as those arising from political partisanship affect these performance metrics. In this study, we examine a multi-year sample asking U.S. citizens about their experiences with federal government services (n = 8,341).

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Turning Complaining Customers into Loyal Customers: Moderators of the Complaint Handling–Customer Loyalty Relationship

Journal of Marketing

2020 Firms spend substantial resources responding to customer complaints, and the marketing profession has a long history of supporting that enterprise to promote customer loyalty. The authors question whether this response is always warranted or whether its effectiveness instead depends on economic, industry, customer–firm, product/service, and customer segment factors that may alter the firm’s incentives to compete on complaint management.

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