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Gabriel Schandl - Gabriel Schandl - Vorträge, die bewegen. Salzburg, , AT

Gabriel Schandl

Gabriel Schandl, Vorträge die bewegen | Gabriel Schandl - Vorträge, die bewegen

Salzburg, AUSTRIA

Speaker and Business Expert



About me: Entrepreneur – Gabriel Schandl was raised in an entrepreneurial family. Already at a young age and directly after graduating from the National Academy of Commerce, he helped to build a team of trainers and specialists that, through the professional support of companies in the area of advanced education and training, grossed more than 20 million Euros in the past 10 years.

University Degrees – While studying business in Linz, he spent a semester abroad in Italy (Siena) at the Universita degli Studi, in order to gain more in-depth knowledge of the field. He visited various advanced courses of education in Germany and Austria, as well in the USA and Switzerland.

University Lecturer – Gabriel Schandl worked for several semesters at the University Puch-Urstein as an assistant professor of social skills with the emphasis “Peak Performance in Sales and Presenting”. Confident negotiating and communication skills and clear customer orientation are an absolute must for business students, the management elite of the future.

Background – Gabriel Schandl has a variety of roots. His mother was born in Hungary; his father was born in Germany and raised in the USA. As such, he developed at an early age a love of traveling and curiosity about different cultures. Due to these multicultural experiences, it is easy for the expert in peak performance to pick up on international impulses and adapt them in his activating presentations perfectly to the needs of your company. What makes up a person? Why are some capable of peak performance, while others are satisfied with being average? Gabriel is married and has 4 children. He lives with his family in the Berchtesgaden region of upper Bavaria.

Industry Expertise (3)


Training and Development

Human Resources

Areas of Expertise (3)


Public Speaking


Accomplishments (5)

Quality Experts/Sucess Community "" (professional)

Only chosen and especially qualified experts are accepted through specific terms of admission. A seal of quality such as this provides businesses and potential customers support in selecting true experts out of the masses the market provides; thereby, achieving on both sides better decision and investment security.

Perfect Speakers (professional)

Perfekt is a network based solely on quality positioning of selected and highly qualified keynote speakers. As opposed to many other networks, event organizers, reference agencies, open-admission organizations, internet platforms or catalogue publishers, it is not possible to buy your way in. The network is built solely on recommendations.

TOP SPEAKER (professional)

The quality seal "Top Speaker" is given to selected presentation speakers that can, in addition to other qualifications, prove a number of quality references . In order to distinguish itself clearly from other forms of recognition on the market that can be acquired by purchase, only recommended professional speakers with adequate and proven references can be selected to become a "Top Speaker".

Brainguide - The Expert Portal (professional)

It gives you access to recognized experts from various highly-qualified knowledge markets. BrainGuide offers a unique overview of the individual competencies and area of expertise of each expert, as well as the organizations and companies for whom they work.

Brilliant Presentations "Brillante Vorträge" (professional)

"Brillante Vorträge" is a network of first-class presentators and experienced experts from all branches of business, research and social sciences. An experienced agency specialized in moving and exceptional communication, this network provides, by the placement of outstanding personalities, a variety of possibilities that will give your event an emotional and uniquely lively character.

Affiliations (2)

  • GSF - Global Speakers Federation
  • GSA - German Speakers Association

Event Appearances (4)

Life Management

Life Management  Johannes Kepler Universität Linz


Spitze im Verkauf

Küchenwohntrends  Messezentrum, Salzburg


Wege zur Spitzenleistung

European Customer Service Day  Palma de Mallorca


Wege zur Spitzenleistung

GSA-Business Forum  Frankfurt


Sample Talks (1)

Ways to Peak Performance

In markets of increasing similarity, strength and competitiveness, the question is increasingly being raised: how to be at the head of the pack in the markets of tomorrow. The answer is: solely by peak performance. Gabriel Schandl shows in his presentations how you can reach peak performance and recognize the three main areas thereof as a holistic system: product/service, cooperation/leadership and personality.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Workshop Leader
  • Corporate Training


3000 to 4500 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee