Xianjun Geng is a Professor of Management Science and Norman Mayer Professor of Business at the Freeman School, Tulane University. He also serves as the Area Coordinator for Management Science, and as the Executive Director of the Master of Business Analytics program. Geng has extensive teaching experience in business analytics and information technology management at undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels, and has received multiple student-voted teaching awards. Geng's research interests include pricing, information security, business analytics, supply chain management and behavioral economics. His work has appeared in Management Science (in IS, Marketing and OM departments), Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Production and Operations Management and other academic journals. Geng has served as Associate Editor for Information Systems Research and special issue Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management. He currently serves as Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly and for Information and Management. Geng received his Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Economics and Master of Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and Ph.D. in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining Tulane, he served on the faculty at the University of Texas at Dallas and at University of Washington.
Areas of Expertise (5)
Supply Chain Management
Business Analytics
Information Technology Management
Information Security
Education (4)
University of Texas at Austin: Ph.D., Management Information Systems 2003
Tsinghua University: B.E., Automatic Control 1997
Tsinghua University: M.E., Pattern Recognition & Intelligent System 1999
Tsinghua University: B.Econ., Enterprises Management 1997
Links (2)
Media Appearances (1)
New Orleans Pelicans, Saints announce business analytics partnership with Freeman School of Business
New Orleans Pelicans online
“We teach students the theory and practice of business analytics, but there’s no substitute for working with real data,” said Xianjun Geng, executive director of the Master of Business Analytics program. “By working with organizations like the Pelicans, students can put their skills to work on real-world challenges and gain the experience they need to hit the ground running in a variety of analytics roles.”
Articles (5)
Does It Pay to Shroud In-App Purchase Prices?
Information Systems Research
2019 Application (app) developers commonly sell their apps at relatively low prices and subsequently earn substantial revenue from in-app purchases. Although some consumers may do their research about in-app prices before deciding whether to buy the app, others only discover the in-app prices later in the purchase process.
Production and operations management
The Flagship Research Journal Of Production And Operations Management Society
2019 Although there is no page limit on initial (ie, first-round) submissions, authors should strive to keep their papers at no longer than 38 pages double-spaced in a size 11 font. The page limit on the final version is 38 pages.
Operational Role of Retail Bundling and Its Implications in a Supply Chain
Production and Operations Management
2019 We study the impacts of retail bundling on a supply chain with a manufacturer and a retailer. The retailer orders a primary product from the manufacturer before demand uncertainty materializes, and can retail it in a bundle with a secondary product afterwards.
Management of a Shared-Spectrum Network in Wireless Communications
Operations Research
2018 We consider a band of the electromagnetic spectrum with a finite number of identical channels shared by both licensed and unlicensed users. Such a network differs from most many-server, two-class queues in service systems, including call centers, because of the restrictions imposed on the unlicensed users to limit interference to the licensed users.
How Add‐on Pricing Interacts with Distribution Contracts
Production and Operations Management
2018 With the rise of the Internet economy, an increasing number of firms are offering their core products through online platforms, but retail add‐ons directly to consumers. Meanwhile, many online platforms have also started adopting the agency (model) contract, where the upstream firms decide the retail prices of products while the downstream platforms take a predetermined cut from each sale.