Gerard has been working in the financial industry for over 32 years, helping companies strategically plan for accelerated levels of growth at Scotia Capital, Maple Leaf Angels and Jaguar Capital where he is now Managing Director and leads a management consulting practice with mandates focused on growth entrepreneurial companies. He is an expert in structuring companies to access financing by employing governance, financial management and funding strategies. Gerard has worked on Merger & Acquisition teams transacting over $10 billion of deal flow in his career.
As an experienced investor and a member of Angel Investment Networks, he understands the process of investment in growth private companies and advises CEO’s on how to prepare for it. Gerard is Chairperson of The Board of Directors of Maple Leaf Angels Corporation and was the Entrepreneur in Resident at INcubes, an internet accelerator based in Toronto, ON, and served as a member on the Small and Medium Enterprise Committee of The Ontario Securities Commission. He has served on the board of an Exempt Market Dealer and a TSX.V Public Company. He has a passion for helping young entrepreneurs prepare their companies for scale.
Gerard has built a solid reputation in corporate development as a “Thought Leader” and provider of practical and usable governance and structuring advice for entrepreneurs. He is a frequent speaker on subjects related to Governance, Angel Investment, Growth Financing, Entrepreneurialism, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Gerard has extensive experience working with Advisory Boards and Boards of Directors. In addition to chairing a Board of Directors, he has chaired Audit, Compensation, and Governance & Finance Committees and led Strategic Planning initiatives. He has written and implemented Audit Committee Charters, Whistle Blower, Conflict of Interest, Investment, and Risk Management Policies. Gerard has been a practitioner in Capital Markets working with fortune 500 companies advising them in the management of their complex financial and investment risk.
Gerard is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers and was awarded their Gold Medal for Academic Excellence. Gerard is a member and an Institute-certified Director of the Institute of Corporate Directors and a graduate of University of Toronto’s Directors Education Program.
Gerard has a history of serving youth and educational charities through organizations such as The Army Cadet League of Canada.
Industry Expertise (10)
VC and Private Equity
Corporate Leadership
International Trade and Development
Management Consulting
Investment Banking
Investment Management
Financial Services
Capital Markets
Areas of Expertise (8)
Small Business
Accelerating Early Stage Companies
Financial Risk Management
Forming an Advisory Board
Accessing Angel Capital in Canada
Governance in the Twenty First Century
Understanding Investor Term Sheets
Preparing A Pitch for Investors
Accomplishments (6)
Queens Golden Jubilee Medal (personal)
A commemorative medal was created to mark the 2002 celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.
Alumnus of the Year - Gonzaga High Scool (personal)
The award recognizes the outstanding contribution of deceased staff member, Michael F. Galway. The recipient must be a Gonzaga graduate and a well rounded person who is intellectually competent, open to growth, has achieved professional success and committed to generous service to others.
Gold Medal for Academic Excellence (professional)
Awarded a Gold Medal for Academic Excellence by The Institute of Canadian Bankers in the completion of The Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers program with Honours
Scotiabank Chairman's Club Award (professional)
Scotiabank Chairman's Club Award awarded to the top Global Managers for Exceptional Service
Volunteer Service Medal (personal)
The Army Cadet League of Canada presented a Volunteer Service Medal for his support and contribution to youth and the Cadet Program in Canada.
Founder, Gerard Buckley Cadet Fund and Cadet Academic Scholarship (personal)
Gerard founded a Bursary and Scholarship that assists with the funding of extracurricular training programs for youth in Canada's economically challenged areas.
Education (6)
University of Toronto: DEP, Corporate Governance 2009
Western University - Richard Ivy School of Business: Executive Development Program, Business 2001
Mount Saint Vincent University: BBA, Finance and Accounting 1985
Institute of Corporate Directors: ICD.D - Certified Corporate Director, Governance 2009
Institute of Canadian Bankers: FICB - Fellow of The Institute of Canadian Bankers with Honours, Financial Services 1996
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators: Acc.Dir. - Accredited Director, Governance 2014
Affiliations (11)
- Canadian Association of Management Consulting
- Institute of Corporate Directors
- Institute of Corporate Secretaries and Administrators
- Private Directors Association
- Private Capital Markets Association of Canada
- Association of Corporate Growth
- The Army Cadet League of Canada
- Network of Angel Organizations - Ontario
- Maple Leaf Angels
- Scotia Capital
- The Bank of Nova Scotia
Links (2)
Testimonials (5)
Lalit Guglani, Program Director, TiE Institute | Tie Insititute/ How to get funded by Angels and What they look for?
Thank you so very much for making Thursday evening such a great event bringing in insights, lessons from trenches and advice. as you can see from the attached feedback the participants loved it
Danielle Fernandes, Chief Executive Officer | Dangle Media Inc.
We immediately engaged in a mentor/protégé relationship that has assisted my company, Dangle Media Inc through its growth stage, a brand pivot and into a successful sports & events media company in the content distribution space. I was given the opportunity to watch Gerard present to myself and multiple other start-ups on the importance of preparation and execution of our investor pitches. His innovative ideas were a welcome addition along with his objective insight regarding our valuations and exit strategy foresight.
A. Traviss Corry, Managing Director and Cofounder | INcubes, INternet Business Accelerator
Allow me to recommend Gerard Buckley most highly, as a Mentor, a Colleague, an Advisor, and as a Public Speaker / Presenter on issues of entrepreneurship in ITC early phase business development. He has an ability to coach with an unexpectedly approachable style, inspiring leadership by example, with a honest and trustworthy approach based on his own highly respected professional ethics. This is why Gerard is a community leader in the Toronto angel capital investment space, as well as being known and trusted by so many tech startups.
Ben Zlotnick, Founder and CEO | Incubes, A Accelerator for Internet Based Companies
Gerard has a broad base of capital markets, entrepreneurial and leadership experience and is an excellent facilitator on a number of entrepreneurial subjects that include Pitch Coaching, Forming Advisory Boards and Accessing Capital from Angel Networks. Gerard is well presented, confident and both understands his audience and delivers a relevant and understandable message.
Grant Sernick, Co-Founder at Loyoly | Ryerson University - Digital Media Zone - Entrepreneur Workshop
"I saw Gerard give a presentation at a Maple Leaf Angels event, and it was truly one of the most valuable and pertinent presentations I have seen in a long while. His delivery, engagement, and ability to answer questions was fantastic. It was evident that he was very passionate about Angel Investing and ensuring that the audience had the knowledge required to effectively go into a negotiation and be in the driver's seat. He is also very approachable and personable. I feel fortunate I have come to know Gerard."
Media Appearances (10)
Pat Boland Show
Sun Media tv
Live broadcast interview on The Pat Boland Show on innovation, current employment trends, portfolio management and hedging of Canadian Portfolio.
The Next Biggest Winner
IChannel TV tv
Gerard Buckley, Chairperson, Maple Leaf Angels appeared with 3 colleagues on The Next Biggest Winner a program dedicated to taking a intelligent look at investing in innovation.

Alternatives to Financing Your Business
Biz TV Canada tv
Gerard Buckley, Managing Director of Jaguar Capital outlines how to access Angel Financing giving insight into what Angel Investors look for in an investment
The Importance of Angels online
Gerard Buckley, Chairperson, Maple Leaf Angels gives a interview with Brian Jackson of on the Importance of Angel Investors.
How to Invest One Million Dollars
Money Sense Magazine print
Gerard Buckley Managing Director, Jaguar Capital is interviewed on appropriate diversification strategies for angel investment within a broader million dollar portfolio
International Sales, Exporting and Angel Investment
Profit Magazine online
Profit Magazine interviewed Gerard Buckley, Managing Director of Jaguar Capital on the important questions an Angel Investor would ask an Exporter.
How do I get a meeting with a Venture Capitalist
Scotiabank online
Before getting to your question, let’s back up a bit to determine whether you’re actually ready to meet with a venture capitalist. There are four main types of financing that entrepreneurs may receive before going public, depending on their stage of development. Self-financing or bootstrapping is for businesses just starting out, with an initial project or idea. Angel investors can help see you through from R&D to the start of commercializing the business. Venture capitalists don’t usually invest until production has stabilized, and large-scale bank financing can come even later.
Crowdfunding: An Investors Perspective online
I would be the first to admit that two years ago I was skeptical of crowdfunding and did not feel that that it would provide a viable alternative for capital formation. Today I believe it is required for me and others to be part of the discussion so that entrepreneurs are well informed on crowdfunding and if they take advantage of this Prospectus Exemption they will continue to be positioned for future capital fundraising for their company.
Driving the bus and empowerment through governance online
Most early and growth stage company founders that had the opportunity to attend one of my presentations will have heard my analogy of a CEO or founder “driving the bus.” Today’s blog is another such article where I continue to empower CEOs of early and growth stage companies to be in control of their own destiny and therefore be driving the bus (their company) on the path to success.
More Than Money: The Investor-Startup Relationship
Ryerson University - Digital Media Zone online
“It’s really a people-to-people business. It’s not just about investing money,” says Gerard Buckley, managing director and partner of Jaguar Capital, a Canadian financial advisory board for early- and growth-stage startups. “It’s about trust, it’s about people understanding each other, and people having an alignment with each other.” Buckley has over 30 years of experience in financial markets; as a seasoned investor, he reviews more than 100 startup pitches each year. “We tend to bet on jockeys, not horses. We’re looking for a strong team,” Buckley explains. “The relationship is one of great mutual respect,” Buckley adds. “Investors are there to help mentor and provide the resources to those super talented entrepreneurs.” “It can be one of the most wonderful, rewarding business relationships to strive for.”
Event Appearances (26)
Governance in the 21st century: the changing role of the board of directors
National Treasury Management Association of Canada Niagara Falls
Accessing Angel Capital In Canada
Incubes Accelerator Toronto
Accessing Venture Capital Too Early
Incubes Accelerator Toronto
How to get funded by Angels and what they look for?
TIE Institute Toronto
Presentation Terms from Investors Term Sheets
Incubes Accelerator Toronto
Preparing a Pitch for Investors
Incubes Accelerator Toronto
Forming an Advisory Board
Incubes Accelerator Toronto
Alternatives to Financing Your Business
Join host David Wojcik and his panel: Gerard Buckley (Angel Investor) BIZ TV Canada
Leveraging Partnerships
Golden Triangle Angel Network Kitchener, Ontario
Presentation Skills - Preparing a Pitch for Investors
Lean Startup Machine Workshop Incubes, Toronto, Ontario
Investment Expert Feedback Panel
Atlantic Venture Forum Halifax, Nova Scotia
Small Business Money Forum
Enterprise Toronto Small Business Money Forum Toronto, Ontario
Valuation of Early Stage Companies
Maple Leaf Angels Lunch and Learn Toronto
Understanding Investor Term Sheets
Entrepreneur Workshop Ryerson University, Digital Media Zone
Angel 101 The Fundamentals of Angel Investing
Maple Leaf Angels - Lunch and Learn Series PwC Tower, 18 York Street, Toronto, ON
Acessing Angel Capital In Canada
Maple Leaf Angels - Entrepreneur Workshop PWC, 18 York Street, Toronto, Ontario
Valuation for a Pre-Commercialized Company
Maple Leaf Angels - Lunch and Learn Series 401 Bay Centre, Suite 1600, Toronto, Ontario
Valuation for a Pre-Commercialized Company
Volta Business Accelerator Halifax, Nova Scotia
Follow on Investment Forum
Network of Angel Organizations Toronto, Onatrio
Angel 101 - The Fundamentals of Angel Investing - Is Angel Investing Right for You
Maple Leaf Angels - Lunch and Learn Series Toronto, Ontario
Valuation of a Pre-Commercialized Company
Maple Leaf Angels Lunch and Learn Series Toronto, Ontario
Understanding Investor Term Sheets
Maple Leaf Angels, Entrepreneur Workshop Series DMZ, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario
Accessing Capital Who First: Angels, Venture Capital or Neither
Eastern Ontario Community Futures Development Corporation Conference Kingston, Ontario
Igniting Entrepreneurship and Capital Flow in Ontario
National Crowdfunding Association of Canada Toronto, Ontario
Accessing Angel Capital in Canada
Presented by The Bulgarian Chamber in Association with The British Chamber and The Belgian Chamber Toronto
A Journey into Mobile Payments: Convergence, Innovation and Financial Inclusion
International Payments Conference Toronto
Sample Talks (5)
Accessing Capital from Angel Networks
This presentation will give the audiance a better understanding of Accessing Capital from Angel Networks
Forming an Advisory Board or Board of Directors
This seminar gives a CEO an understanding of the requirements and a method to formulate, recruit and establish either an Advisory Board or a Board of Directors.
Valuation for a Pre-Commercialized Company
B U S I N E S S VA L U AT I O N S • Every valuation and Pricing is unique • In a M&A Transaction price or valuation comes down to the strategic value the acquirer brings to the transaction & the portion paid to the target • 65% of business owners don’t know what their company is worth • 85% have no exit strategy • 75% of their worth is tied up in their business
Angel 101 - The Fundamentals of Angel Investing
Have you ever considered becoming an Angel Investor? Wondered why people join angel groups as opposed to going it alone? Then this session is for you. Join MLA Chair and Angel Investor Gerard Buckley as he leads a session that will answer the following: What is Angel Investing? Why would someone be an Angel Investor? Who are Angel Investors? What types of companies do Angels invest in? What is Maple Leaf Angels and what are the benefits of joining?
Understanding Investor Term Sheets
An Introduction to Term sheets • A Term Sheet is the basis of a legal agreement between an investor(s) and a company, outlining the terms and conditions of an investment into the target company – Agreement in principle – Non-binding (except non-disclosure and no-shop clauses) – Commence negotiating early in due-diligence – Complex Term Sheets are seen as Founder Unfriendly and will deter follow-on investment 4
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