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Greg Hardin - Texas Woman's University. Dallas/Fort Worth Area, TX, US

Greg Hardin

Librarian II - Reference | Texas Woman's University

Dallas/Fort Worth Area, TX, UNITED STATES

Reference Librarian at Texas Woman's University



An academic reference librarian focusing on technology & user experience, who values exceptional customer service and believes the library is a growing organism.

Industry Expertise (2)


Library and Information Management

Areas of Expertise (3)

Library Information Technology

Academic Libraries

Reference Services

Education (3)

University of Idaho: B.S., Communication, Photography / Film, minor emphasis, Art 1994

Founder and manager, U of I Film Series, DJ at KUOI student radio station, Freelance photographic work for local print media, Student Representative for the Fine Arts Council, Involved in local art exhibitions.

Reicher Catholic High School: 1986

Texas Woman's University: M.L.S., Library & Information Studies 2000

Student Member of the TWU SLIS Curriculum Committee

Affiliations (10)

  • NMRT
  • NMRT
  • IFRT
  • CULD
  • (LITA
  • (ATRT
  • American Library Association
  • ) Texas Library Association
  • RUSA and SRRT