Gregory Peterson is an experienced consultant on communications, public affairs, thought leadership, reputation management, social media and marketing. Gregory is president of Archetype Communications, a Boston public relations consultancy. His clients have included leading organizations such as the Boston Globe, the Boston Consulting Group, Cargill, Children’s Hospital, Fidelity, the U.S. Defense Department, the State of Minnesota and numerous start-ups, small businesses and professional service firms.
Gregory holds degrees in communications, public affairs and law. At the Harvard Kennedy School, he was a Bush Foundation “Leadership” Fellow. Gregory also was a Mondale Fellow at the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. He has held memberships in both the Harvard Faculty Club and the Harvard Club of Boston. As an Adjunct Lecturer at Boston University’s College of Communication, he taught the “Business & Society” course – on analyzing and managing stakeholder relations for social, environmental and technological issues.
At Biogen (a global biotechnology company) Gregory was Vice President of Public Affairs. In that capacity, he developed and executed corporate communications programs enhancing the company’s reputation among key publics worldwide. He revamped the company’s electronic communications, managed internal and external public relations, created community relations partnerships, and directed all executive communications.
For TED Conferences, Gregory directed the “UNDERSTANDING USA” project – using innovative “information architecture” to make American public affairs topics more understandable and accessible. (TED is a publisher and designer of world-class conferences featuring remarkable speakers on the issues of the day.) Gregory also was Partner/International Director of a leading Minnesota-based public relations consultancy.
Gregory served as Public Information Director and Director of Communications for the Governor of Minnesota. While working at the Minnesota’s State Planning Agency, he researched and drafted the state’s “Annual Report on Environmental Quality.” He also served at Minnesota Public Radio. Early in his career, Gregory achieved accreditation from the Public Relations Society of America and the International Association of Business Communicators.
Industry Expertise (2)
Public Relations and Communications
Writing and Editing
Areas of Expertise (3)
Legal Marketing
Affiliations (2)
- Harvard Kennedy School Alumni
- TED Conferences (Former Staff)
Links (2)
- Author Appearance